Thursday, August 27, 2020
Epic Of Gilgamesh Essays - Gilgamesh, Group TAC, Shotaro Ishinomori
Epic Of Gilgamesh Essays - Gilgamesh, Group TAC, Shotaro Ishinomori Epic Of Gilgamesh In any case, at that point I pose the inquiry: what number men must kick the bucket before we can truly have a free and valid and tranquil society?How long will it take?If we can get the soul, and the genuine significance of this experience, I accept that this country can be changed into a general public of affection, of equity, harmony, and fraternity where all men can truly be siblings. - Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Since the start of early development, contrasts in races and societies have been a piece of society. Alongside these distinctions, there developed a contempt against what was not viewed as the standard . For a long time, bias, particularly as bigotry, has started many detest wrongdoings and wars. Over ages, individuals have conceived methodologies to battle these treacheries in the best manner conceivable, regardless of whether it be affable or vicious methods of dissent. August Wilsons Pulitzer Prize winning play, The Piano, is set in the mid 1930s when prejud ice was spreading like fierce blaze. The play investigates two powerfully various ways to deal with defeating partiality in America. In spite of the fact that their techniques vary incredibly, both Berniece and Boy Willie both discover approaches to battle the issues related with living in a bigot culture. Bondage is still new in the brains of numerous blacks and whites during the 30s as are numerous cruel emotions. Berniece and Boy Willie tackle the bigotry of their time similarly their folks did. Bernices character is fundamentally the same as her moms, Mama Ola. She decides to maintain a strategic distance from clashes over prejudice at whatever point conceivable, regardless of whether it implies staying silent about subjects that ought to be tended to. She thinks that its simpler to disappear than to make a circumstance. Berniece sees the historical backdrop of the piano with a similar contempt and distress that her mom held for such huge numbers of years. In one of many warmed contentions with Boy Willie, Berniece says, Mama Ola cleaned over this piano with her tears for seventeen years...seventeen years worth of cold evenings and a vacant bed. For what a piano?...To settle the score with somebody....and what did it ever prompt? additional murdering and all the more stealing. At the point when Boy Willie talks, one can nearly hear the force and assurance of his dad, Papa Boy Charles voice. He, much like his dad, has faith in the hypothesis: by whatever implies fundamental. Kid Willie is happy to take the necessary steps and evacuate whoever holds him up; and that incorporates disposing of any white man that represents a danger against his fantasies. Kid Willie is pleased that his dad gave his life to take the piano, with the carvings of his familys history, from Sutter, the man who subjugated his distant grandma and his granddad. Father Boy Charles accepted that his family would consistently be slaves as long as Sutter still had responsibility for piano. Kid Willie reveals to Berniece that she should disclose to her girl, Maretha, about the story behind the piano with the goal that she can be pleased with her granddad. You should write down on the schedule the day that Papa Boy Charles carried that piano into the house...throw a party...have a festival. Despite the fact that their perspectives are like their folks, they are restricted in their systems for managing bigotry. When bigotry is at its top because of uncertain issues on the two sides, the future for blacks in America appears to be distressing. Despite the fact that servitude has finished, ruthless assaults against blacks despite everything exist and many are more awful off monetarily than they were as slaves. Berniece takes a gander at her way of life from a pragmatists perspective with little positive thinking. She sees zero chance of development for blacks and communicates this when she says, Im going to advise her [Maretha] the at the base with the remainder of us...thats exactly where she living. Berneice accepts that blacks are at the base of life and they may never beat their circumstance. In spite of the fact that she accepts that blacks can discover achievement; she feels that successs is constrained to the limits in which blacks are conceived. She follows the possibility that a few blacks allude to as
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The New York Public schools and New York Charter Schools Dissertation
The New York Public schools and New York Charter Schools - Dissertation Example Despite the fact that there is an observation (by and large) that the training in sanction schools are immeasurably unique in relation to those in state funded schools, this examination tries to comprehend whether there is a distinction in New York schools. The examination will likewise survey the starting parts of contract schools and draw a correlation of the positives and negatives of both sanction and open schools.... For instance, California started a law to in 1992, demonstrated how their sanction schools would remain responsible. The Charter School Act for New York State went in December 1998, considered the creation of autonomous selfâ€governing government funded schools. The law basically expressed that New York sanction schools would fulfill state guidelines, regent’s necessities, state, wellbeing, security, social equality, and understudy appraisals simply like every single government funded school (About Charter Schools, 2010). Positive and Negative Aspects of C harter Schools versus Government funded Schools One of the biggest contrasts among open and contract schools is that kids are permitted to go to sanction schools paying little mind to where they live. This gives guardians and understudies a selection of schools and they can pick a school that they feel is the best decision for their kids. Somehow or another, this activity makes a requirement for government funded schools to grow additionally testing The state funded schools limit their understudies to the individuals who live inside their particular locale. As per the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) (2011) many contract schools will assist with improving government funded schools yet they are constrained in scope so they won't have the option to cultivate and whole state funded educational system (NCSL, 2011). When taking a gander at the positive and negative parts of state funded schools, it is essential to bring up that government funded schools are free and the g ive transportation to and from school for the youngsters. Since the school is in the area, kids will go to with their companions. This can likewise be an antagonistic trait for state funded schools if their companions incorporate group individuals or individuals who might push them into difficulty here and there.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pros and Cons of Getting Education Online
Pros and Cons of Getting Education Online High Quality Courses Online: Yes or No? Home›Tips for Students›High Quality Courses Online: Yes or No? Tips for StudentsToday, online education seems to be the answer to such problems of high-quality education as inequality, increasing costs, and lacking access. But will it replace traditional schools someday? We will see. For now, all we can do is to analyze its advantages and disadvantages.Positives and negatives of online education Let us start with the negatives and then find solutions to them:Inability to ask questions. You cannot raise your hand and ask a question during the class, as you do at a traditional class.Inability to pace the lecture. Your teacher will not see that you are not following and will not be able to adjust the material for you.Lack of social interaction. There is no personal connection between students and teachers.No group experience. During an online lecture you can be easily interrupted by your roommates, get a phone call, have a choice to procrast inate, and the list goes on. Due to the group experience on a traditional course, these cons are avoidable.Lack of connection in the groups. It is harder for students to meet and create study groups.Online office hours are less effective. During online office hours, the teacher cannot just go to a whiteboard and write something on it. It is mostly a technological issue.Now let us look at the positive aspects and see how they can outweigh the negatives:Different way of asking questions. If you did not understand something during the lecture, you can pause and rewind it to listen to it again. Most likely, it will help you clarify the issue. Otherwise, you can read a book, search for more info on the web, or ask your question during the office hours.Set your own pace. Use pause and rewind buttons in video lectures to regulate your own pace.Time flexibility. You can adjust available online courses to your personal schedule.Office hours. Use them when you have any questions that need cla rifications. Utilize chat rooms to discuss the materials. The records are commonly saved and can be reviewed anytime later.Nowadays, the gap between online schools and traditional education is getting smaller, as online schooling offers more and more effective courses. If you can manage your time and know useful online learning tips, you will certainly benefit from it.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Mobile Phones And Electronics Particularly On Mobile Devices
In this digital age we have a tendency to be extensively dependent on electronics particularly on mobile devices. There are various mobile electronic devices: laptop, tablet, and cellular phone to name a few. In the early 1990’s even with the bulkiness students started bringing cellular phones to school back then. Schools began to place a restriction on the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Initially, the cell phone was only able to make calls and receive calls. Now, the cell phone or more commonly named smart phone is the most favorable with students since they are able to stay connected to a wide variety of social media. For example, â€Å"Students can access the Internet, send or receive text messages, check email, and even video chat with others quite literally from the palm of their hand†(Kuznekoff, Titsworth 234). With this in mind, a person is able to keep their credit card information, bank online, shop online, play games, watch videos, the list goes on. Students of all ages carry their mobile (smart) phones with them when they go to school to make phone calls, text message or simply just listen to music. It appears very few students engaged in modern education today are not equipped with a mobile communication device. For instance, take a walk through the quad and within 5o feet there is a probability of a half dozen or more people walking and talking or texting on the cell phone. In fact the smart phone has a numerous amount of features and applications. â€Å"MobileShow MoreRelatedMobile Phones : A Long And Productive Voyage1571 Words  | 7 PagesThe advancement of the wireless phone has been a long and productive voyage. Beginning with the first cellular telephone call dated back to in April 1973, by Mr. Cooper, to the profoundly advanced, much smaller handheld cell/PC we utilize today. The introduction of the advanced cell has help the wireless business turn into a multi-billion dollar industry on account of the headways in innovation. Various IT employments have been made in view of this shift in innovation. Because of this developingRead MoreHow Do Mobile Phones Affect Our Lives? Essay873 Words  | 4 PagesMobile phones have become a necessity for life, and without this thin gadget, many people would feel incomplete. We now use mobile phones in our everyday life as a phone, voice recorder, diary, alarm clock, watch and for making and confirming appointments, dealing with clients etc. Mobile phones are for many, fundamental when organising their lives. Mobile phones are not simply an electronic gadget, and it is difficult to define in one way about the usage of mobile phones. With the advances of technologyRead MoreMobile Phones And Its Effect On Our Lives850 Words  | 4 Pages The remarkable thing about mobile phones is that they are no more simply utilized for calling or messaging. They have turned into a basic multi-device wonder. Today s mobile phone is flow edge innovation readily available. In light of this, ought to understudies be allowed to utilize mobile phones in school? I trust they must not simply be allowed to utilize mobile phones; they must to be required to utilize them. Mobile phones don t simply permit understudies to stay associatedRead MoreHtc - Short Term and Long Term Plans1028 Words  | 5 PagesMicrosoft s Windows Mobile software, but in 2009 it began to shift its focus away from Windows Mobile devices to devices based on the Android operating system. 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Through detailed analysis examining the products specifications shall establish LG’s core business ethics and marketing strategiesRead MoreNew Trends In E-Business: E-Government And M-Commerce Essay1382 Words  | 6 Pagesprofessional jobs. This has profoundly changed the economics, markets and industry structure, products and services and their flow. The consumer segmentation, values and behavior has been shifting constantly due to new technological advances in electronic commerce and mobile commerce. E-commerce has given consumers cheaper products and services, instant delivery, no sales tax and information availability. The changes in the Internet and World Wide Web technologies and services lead to new developments in theRead MoreSamsung Versus Iphone1302 Words  | 6 PagesApples’ Iphone Why do people prefer Iphone to Galaxy S series? Focusing on technology, features and design Research approach: Research Question. Method of researching – Questionnaire Marketing research problem: Why do people prefer Iphone mobile phones to Samsung Galaxy? Problem Definition: People tend to prefer Apple’s Iphones rather than Samsung Galaxy line. Is it because of reputation, design, features or easier usage of the Iphone? INTRODUCTION: Samsung Galaxy Samsung Group isRead MoreSamsung654 Words  | 3 Pagesfood processing, textiles, insurance, securities and retail. Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s and the construction and shipbuilding industries in the mid-1970s; these areas would drive its subsequent growth. Following Lees death in 1987, Samsung was separated into four business groups. Since 1990s, Samsung has increasingly globalized its activities, and electronics, particularly mobile phones and semiconductors, have become its most important source of income. Samsung hasRead MoreCell Phones And Its Effects On Our Lives1160 Words  | 5 PagesThere is no doubt that cell phones, in this day and age, are a huge part of most American’s everyday life. Cell phones that hold an abundance of various personal information and keepsakes such as pictures, videos, messages, etc. With the extensive amount of information that these mobile devices hold, they may sometimes be helpful to reveal a nd trace criminal activity. The access to the evidence of criminal activity can be very valuable to police but this access generally requires a warrant. The clearRead MoreMobile Payment Application For South Korea s Largest Business Corporation1485 Words  | 6 Pagestelling you about an entrepreneur who made this mobile payment application possible for others to use. Lee Byung-chul, the founder of Samsung Electronics is responsible for South Korea’s largest business corporation. Recently his company has came up with a new cutting edge feature that is created for android phones. The technology is very innovative and creative mobile application that will change how people purchase items in the future.The mobile application is called Samsung Pay. Samsung Pay is
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Violence And Discriminations Against Mexican Americans
Segregation Exist in Our Culture Violence and discriminations against Mexican-Americans was experienced as negative affect that was organized in segregating our society in such places as the labor market, residential setting and in the educational system. Although many countries have overcome, name calling various ethnic groups they also struggled for equality and respect. However, people in America have placed a racial connotation in the minorities groups. Mexican Americans and Mexicans are one of the minorities in America that have been categorized and degrade to derogatory names. They have been considered lazy, dirty, unable to speak English and uneducated. Many people have a wrong image of the Mexican race because of the way they act and the way they dress therefore was assumed that all Mexicans are like that. Segregation has always been an obstacle that made an impact in our society and has change history with laws that outlaw any sort of discrimination towards others. Parents had an important role to changes t hat have been made in the history. The parents were the first ones to arrive to America because they wanted a better future for their children. Parents find the motivation in helping each other by supporting other parents to fight for their children’s right every step of the way. In the research I have done I will be addressing the many issues that the Mexican and Mexican Americans faced to earn the equality here in America in the labor market, residentialShow MoreRelatedThe Power Of The Zoot By Luis Alvarez1293 Words  | 6 Pagesnational belonging/violence during world war two. Part one of this book â€Å"Dignity Denied: Youth in the Early War Years†, discusses the political and economic context of the United States in the early 1940’s, when the zoot suit style grew popular (Alvarez, p. 10). During world war two, many African and Mexican Americans contributed to the war effort, because they thought it was what they needed to do in order to improve their standard of living. African Americans and Mexican Americans even fought in theRead MoreThe Gold Rush And Discrimination1668 Words  | 7 PagesThe Gold Rush and Discrimination California is the state that well known with the largest population in the United State, and it is the most culturally and racially diverse society.When walking in the street, it can see different kinds of races and hear many different languages. â€Å"Melting pot†is a good definition to explain this diverse phenomenon, which describes that the lost of different cultures living together harmoniously in a common society. Actually, numbers of these different culturalRead MoreMovies Such As The â€Å"Freedom Writers (Lagravenese, 2007)†1661 Words  | 7 PagesMovies such as the â€Å"Freedom Writers (LaGravenese, 2007)†and â€Å"Precious Knowledge (Palos, 2011)†both support the central theme of discrimination and race within a school system. The students in both movies come from backgrounds experiencing poverty, gangs, and violence experiencing discrimination and the lack of support for their education, but overcome the stereotypes and battles to gain access to receiving their education at their fullest potential. Each movie involves students that were guidedRead MoreThe American Of The Mexican Revolution1229 Words  | 5 Pagesbefore and during World War II white Americans considered themselves the only true Americans. In the 1900s during the Mexican Revolution, many Mexicans migrated to the United States, to escape the violence that came from a national uprising against Mexico’s government. After the Mexican Revolution, many Mexicans fought for the United States in World War II. Mexican American patriotism helped to soften racist attitudes. Hector Perez Garcia was a Mexican American Rights advocate, looking to change theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Crossing The Wire 1366 Words  | 6 PagesHispanics, mostly Mexicans, are not being treated equally because of their different culture and lifestyle and people need to treat them fairly and enforce laws against discrimination. In the book, Crossing the Wire, Hobbs di splays what a Mexican has to go through when they are crossing the border to the United States for a good cause. Hispanics have been discriminated ever since the Mexicans gained independence in 1821 from Spain. In recent years African Americans have been receiving the most attentionRead MoreThe Book Of The Harvest Of Empire By Juan Gonzalez1379 Words  | 6 Pagestreated completely different than American citizens were treated. There are a lot of definitions for the word injustice, but for me this word means the lack of rights and respect between an individual and society. In the book of The Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez, illustrate two major Latin American groups that face social injustice. The Mexicans and Puerto Ricans fought and worked very hard to earn a name in America. Instead, there were a lot of discrimination of the Latino/ Latina culture andRead MoreThe Role Of Colonialism During The Emergence Of Black And Brown1078 Words  | 5 Pagesin the creation of an i nherent Brown and Black criminality and the ways in which the early emergence of Black and Brown as a construct occurred by the creation of laws that incriminated them and the egregious discourse against them that resulted in racial violence. Racial violence is a legal and extralegal production and exploitation of group differentiated vulnerability to premature death (lecture 3 1/17/17). The way that Brown and Black people are seen as criminals today has historical roots thatRead MoreImmigration Of Latin Americans : Immigration Essay1364 Words  | 6 Pages Immigration of Latin Americans Immigration involves the movement of a group of people from one country to another where they do not possess citizenship. There are many reasons in which people may leave their country such as employment, lack of resources, family, fear due to violence, exile, the American dream. In 1965, Congress changed immigration law in ways that allowed much more intake from Asia and Latin America than earlier. Before 1965, the intake was mostly from Europe. Since then, overRead MoreSummary Of Los Vendidos1223 Words  | 5 Pages Discrimination against Mexican Americans has always been a grave issue in the United States. The short play Los Vendidos written by Luis Valdez sheds light upon the horrid state of racism in our nation. The play centers around the Secretary’s visit to Honest Sancho’s shop and depicts outrageous images of Mexican Americans as mere objects. Through this play, Valdez attempts to delineate the discrimination and prejudices against his people. To deliver his perspective, he employs a principle knownRead MoreThe Harvest Of Empire By Juan Gonzalez1376 Words  | 6 Pagesthan American citizens. There are a lot of definitions for the word injustice, but for me this word means the lack of rights and respect between an individual and society. In the book of The Harvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez, it illustrates two major Latin American groups that face social injustice. The Mexicans and Puerto Ricans fought and worked very hard to earn a name in America. Instead, there was a lot of discrimination in the Latino/ Latina communities. In spite of the discrimination they
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Flannery O’Connor’s Short Story A Good Man is Hard to...
Flannery O’Connor’s Short Story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†Flannery O’Connor’s personal views on the justification of religion and the resulting world or corruption and depravity are apparent in her short story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†. She analyzes the basic plight of human existence and its conflict with religious conviction. The first two-thirds of the narrative set the stage for the grandmother, representing traditional Christian beliefs, to collide with The Misfit, representing modern scientific beliefs. The core of symbolism and the magnet for interpretation is at the end, the conversation between the grandmother and The Misfit. The conversation represents the examination of the clash between animal and metaphysical human†¦show more content†¦This is the central dilemma of human consciousness. We are mindful of ourselves but we are also basically animals with violent tendencies and primitive drives. Everyday, these two selves collide. The understanding or awareness of each person demands that we r ise above our primeval instincts, and with this demand comes a need for meaning, a purpose beyond the material restrictions of our bodies and the world we see around us. Otherwise all that is left, as The Misfit comments, ...its nothing for you to do but enjoy the few minutes you got left the best way you can--by killing somebody or burning down his house or doing some other meanness to him. No pleasure but meanness, he said and his voice had become almost a snarl. Yet, any belief beyond what we see and what we can touch or hear or smell or feel is just that, a belief. Consequently, any religious or spiritual or anti-religious and anti-spiritual ideology one wishes to take is a leap of blind faith. Eventually, as The Misfit perceives and in due course the grandmother perceives, the world of religious dogma and sacred creed are no match for the systematic observation based and amoral context of the modern world. Thus, we are left with no answer as to the existence of a Supreme Being and with no means to answer that question. Accordingly his frustration is not with Jesus and whether or not HeShow MoreRelatedFlannery O’Connor’s short stories â€Å"A good man is hard to find†and â€Å"Revelation†share many700 Words  | 3 PagesFlannery O’Connor’s short stories â€Å"A good man is hard to find†and â€Å"Revelation†share many similarities. While â€Å"A good man is hard to find†i s about a family that goes on a vacation that ultimately results in all of their deaths. â€Å"Revelation†is about a woman who is very judgmental and looks down on people. In the end both characters have revelations that contrast with who they are and how they portray themselves to the world. The protagonist in ‘Revelation†is Mrs. Turpin, and she depictsRead MoreA Family Vacation to Florida in Flannery OConnors Short Story, A Good Man Is Hard to Find631 Words  | 2 PagesIn Flannery O’Connor’s short story, â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find,†a family, including the grandmother, Bailey the father, the mother and their two kids named John Wesley and June Star, are about to take a family vacation. The grandmother wants to vacation in Tennessee instead of Florida like the rest of the family. She tells Bailey about an article on an escaped inmate named â€Å"Misfit†that is suppose to be heading towards Florida. The family does not pay her any attention and the next morning theyRead More Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard To Find Essay1144 Words  | 5 PagesFlannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find is one of the most well-known short stories in American history. A Good Man Is Hard to Find is a disturbi ng short story that exemplifies grace in extremity as well as the threat of an intruder. The story tells of an elderly grandmother and her family who embark on a road trip to Florida. The grandmother is a stubborn old woman with a low sense of morality. While on the trip, the grandmother convinces her son to take a detour which results in a brokenRead More Flannery OConnor: A Twentieth Century Fiction Writer Essay829 Words  | 4 Pageswritten about Flannery OConnors short stories and novels. There is a significant amount critical analysis about Flannery OConnor because she used so many styles that have not been used before. Flannery OConnor ranks among he most important American fiction writers of the twentieth century. Flannery OConnor was born in 1925 in Savannah, Georgia, and lived there until her family moved in 1938. OConnor and her family moved to a small Georgia farming town named Milledgeville. When Flannery was 15 yearsRead MoreThe Moral Structure Of Flannery OConnors A Good Man Is Hard To Find1148 Words  | 5 PagesWorks Cited Bonney, William. The Moral Structure of Flannery OConnors a Good Man Is . Studies in Short Fiction, vol. 27, no. 3, Summer90, p. 347. EBSCOhost, The ten stories in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find circumscribe a moral and thematic center (Bonney). William Booney’s article was written as if the grandmother is actually grasping the savingRead MoreA Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor1196 Words  | 5 Pagesfamously known as Flannery O’Connor in 1953, wrote the short narrative titled â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†(Scott 2). However, it was published two years later in 1955, in her second collection of short stories. This particular collection presented the author as a key voice in the ancient American literature world until she met her sudden death in 1964 when she was only 39. The collection also won her tremendous fame, especially concerning her unmatchable creativity and mastery of short narratives (SeelRead MoreThe Life Of Flannery OConnor Essay1099 Words  | 5 Pagesan author’s life on their writing is vast. Many people do not see the large influen ce of an author’s childhood on their writings, but it plays a major role. The life of Flannery O’Connor is no exception to this. The great Catholic lifestyle of her parents helped persuade her writing of, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find.†Flannery O’Connor is regarded as one of the greatest supporters of Roman Catholic writings in the twentieth century. O’Connor was born in Savannah on March 25th, 1925 and her parentsRead MoreO Connor s Life1323 Words  | 6 PagesKnown for her short stories and well known novels, author Flannery O’Connor has been a vision of American literature for the last eighty years. Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia during the Great Depression, O’Connor grew up during an era of hardship and trouble trying to focus on her studies while her family was battling financial difficulties. During this time of O’Connor’s life is where her short stories begin to form and her desire to share her experiences of love, friendship, and life blossomedRead More Violence Leading To Redemption In Flannery OConnors Literature1482 Words  | 6 PagesRedemption in Flannery OConnors Literature Flannery OConnor uses many of the same elements in almost all of her short stories. I will analyze her use of violence leading to the main character experiencing moral redemption. The use of redemption comes from the religious background of Flannery OConnor. Violence in her stories is used as a means of revelation to the main characters inner self. The literature of Flannery OConnor appears to be unbelievably harsh and violent. Her short stories characteristicallyRead MoreA Good Man Is Hard And Find By Flannery O Connor1190 Words  | 5 PagesIn Flannery O’Connor’s short story â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†, O’Connor tells the story mainly on the emphasis of the grandmothers prospective. The grandmother was never named in the short story, only leaving the reader to guess if this story was how O’Connor portrayed a feeling toward society and religion. In order for the reader to understand the point of view of the story, the reader must look at the back ground of the author. Born in Georgia, where the story takes place, O’Connor was raised
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Importance of Total Quality Management in Events Sector Free Sample
Question: 1. Discuss the strategies used to manage quality within an event2. Evaluate how management within staffing will differ in an event3. Present finding effectively through a variety of techniques4. Analytically interpret data in quantitative and qualitative forms to manage the quality of an event. Answer: Introduction Total Quality Management refers to the continuous efforts directed towards process improvement that involves every entity in a business organisation. This is done to optimise overall performance at every level through the attainment of cross-functional goals such as reducing cost, increasing sustainability, and improving quality and service (Rao, 1996). TQM is the consolidation of systematic management techniques and tools with concurrent efforts towards overall improvement, in a disciplinary way that mainly focuses on increasingly satisfying customers. While total quality implementation methods for each company are influenced by its unique operational environment, distinct opportunities and challenges, there are common features in their quality management systems. These features include a corporate focus on internal and external customer orientation, continuous improvement, business process control, organisation wide preventive management, ongoing preventive activities and positive leadership and teamwork (Peratec Ltd, 2012). The aim of this paper is to discuss the history of total quality management and evaluate the impacts that successful implementation of total employee commitment and staff training and development at Q Hotels Group by comparing with examples on good practices in this regard from Hilton Worldwide and the Walt Disney Company. History of TQM The concept of total quality management first originated in the description of the Japanese inspired management approach adopted by the Navy Systems Command for quality improvement (Klock, 2004). TQM has developed over the years through several different theories that guide its practices, which are as follows: Demings 14 Point Theory Deming's theory of Total Quality Management includes fourteen points of quality management (SkyMark, 2016) which he identified as the creation of constancy in the purpose improving products and services; adopting a new philosophy; ceasing the dependence on inspection to attain quality, ending the policy of awarding business based on price; instead, reduce total cost by engaging a single supplier; constantly improve every process related to planning, production and service; implementing on-the-job training; instituting leadership; driving out fear; breaking down communication barriers between staff and departments; eliminating slogans, exhortations and targets for the employees; eliminating numerical quotas and goals for all employees; removing factors that negatively affect the pride of workmanship; eliminating annual rating /merit systems; implement an environment of self-improvement for employees; and involving every employee in the accomplishment of transformation. (See Appendix 1 ); the system of profound knowledge consisting of system appreciation, variation knowledge, knowledge theory and psychology theory; and the PDCA Cycle i.e., Plan-Do-Check-Act (See Appendix 2). He propounded that focusing on costs results in deterioration of quality, which can be tweaked through awareness about the different types of knowledge associated with an organisation. Herzbergs Employee Motivation-Hygiene Theory Hygiene factors such as remuneration, administrative policies of the organisation, additional fringe benefits, tangible working conditions, and job security are extrinsic to work adequately pacify employees and do not make them dissatisfied(Miner, 2005). According to Herzberg, motivational factors such as recognition at place of work, a sense of achievement in the workplace, opportunities for growth and promotion, and increased responsibilities are essential, satisfy the employees and motivate them to perform even better. Maslow Hierarchical Staffing Model Maslow Hierarchical theory can be applied to the methods in which organisations treat and engage with their staff (See Appendix 3). The most basic need for survival stems from having a sense of financial independence, followed by job security that provides a sense of stability in the volatile job market. The next type of needs is a sense of belonging which is achieved by holding trust and acceptance within a work group. This leads to importance, which is gained a feeling of significance and affinity towards the paymasters. The final need of self-actualization is met when employees have access to opportunities within the job(Scan Capture, 2016). Meeting these needs within the organisation will allow the staff to be successful in their work and strive towards becoming a useful resource for the organisation. Benchmarking Theory Benchmarking involves the examination processes used by external organisations of a particular business to achieve their performance levels (Sweis, et al., 2016). Companies can benchmark business procedures of other organisations with their own existing processes, and implementing the necessary policies to eliminate performance gaps to facilitate improved performance in key areas of the business. Kurt Lewins Change Model Kurt Lewin change theory model consists of a 3-step process i.e., Unfreeze, Change, Refreeze, that denotes a framework for change management (See Appendix 4). This model can help the management in making extraordinary changes, minimise the operational disruptions within the organisation, and ensure that the implemented change is permanent and irreversible (Burnes, 2004). Implementation of Total Quality Management at Q Hotels Group Most organisations in the events sector provide services, which are experienced by consumers, and are often categorised by various subjective perceptions. The intangible nature of services makes quality difficult to define, but can include responsiveness to customer needs, promptness in resolving complaints, courtesy and friendliness of staff, and the service atmosphere. The main areas posing challenges in the events industry are factors like the amount of waiting time and consistency of the service. Q Hotels offers 300 conference and meeting rooms which have the capacity to host large events such as board meetings, exhibitions and weddings (The QHotels Group, 2016). Total quality management represents a systematic way of managing an organisation's results (Koller, 1995), and the implementation of a systematic TQM approach in Q Hotels Group will require the adoption and development of various managerial processes, for improving service quality of its 26 hotels. The implementation of the continuous quality improvement in Q Hotels will start with the outlining of quality goals for customer service, and the identification of the target group of customers and their needs and wants (Ross Perry, 1999). Next, the features of the service and the processes that produce these services needs to recognise. Finally, process controls have to be established and transferred to the operations stage. Staff Training and Development Providing staff training and development in the at the appropriate time helps develop needed job skills and accelerate awareness regarding TQM effort within the organisation (Owoyemi, et al., 2011). It also aids in providing experience in the techniques necessary to make TQM a part of the employee's day-to-day work life. Comprehensive, intensive, and continuous staff training and development results in permanent quality improvements. Implementation of Staff Training and Development at Q Hotels Group The management needs to first establish the objectives to be followed in designing the training programs that will assist in attaining permanent improvement in all activities. An ideal staff training and development program for Q Hotels will consist of three basic areas as per the use of total quality management tools. These include training in communication skills, providing superior quality service to customers and techniques for problem-solving, which will enable the training aimed at improving business processes. Centring the training programmed on the basic principles of understanding the organisational processes and the relationship between different processes and will lead to the eventual improvement of these processes. The implementation of staff training and development should be done at Q Hotels Group by first collecting data will the help of a checklist regarding the gaps in the existing training programs (See Appendix 5). A subsequent Pareto chart will help the training and development department identify problems which are preventing the organisation from delivering professional quality and customer friendly services to meet and exceed customer expectations (See Exhibit 6). This will also enable the management to refer to the checklist to understand the changes that have been incorporated in the system and whether they have brought permanent improvement in the organisation. Positive training and development measures within the hotel will enable the staff to deliver better customer services, through error-free interactions with customers. This will result in fewer complaints which will lead to increased market share, increased customer loyalty and reduced cost through lesser resource allocation for customer grievance handling. Case Study: Staff Training and Development at Hilton Worldwide Q Hotels group can benchmark their staff training and development efforts against the existing best practices at Hilton Worldwide, which has earned an ISO 9001 certification for its advancements in total quality management systems (Carman, 2011). Some of these innovative and advanced training policies include: To align training and development activities with each of Hilton World wides brands in their diverse portfolio, their regional level training managers work in close connection with each property. Hilton Management Services, associates with the human resources department, to deliver training on recruiting, employment relations, collective bargaining agreements and employment law (Hilton Worldwide, 2016). Hiltons management services also offers a library with specialised texts on hotel training and uses updated human resources systems such as People Soft and Success Factors for recruitment, training and retention its talented staff. Hilton Worldwide utilises an advanced technology for staff training and development , known as Ultimate Team Play, which upholds their commitment to delivering superior customer service. The training is in the form of an interactive, 3-D, graphically-intense, first-person video game customized by Virtual Heroes, Inc for Hilton Worldwide. (Wire, 2008). Hilton Worldwide tied up with eCornell to widen opportunities for employee participation in online, instructor-led training in hospitality management, strategic leadership and revenue management to senior executives and general managers. The social aspect increased of collaborative learning effectively engages employees and increases the average rate of course completion. The programs also delivered measurable results and drive employee performance. The eCornell courses are self-paced and facilitated by an instructor to help learners through challenging, exercises with practical and real-world applications. (Hipwell, 2012). Total Employee Commitment Total employee commitment through teamwork drives improvement efforts through the application of diverse skills and experience to business processes and problem solving. An atmosphere of teamwork within the organisation positively impacts formal team efforts and allows all individuals to cooperate and participate in that effort. Encouraging teamwork within natural working groups will motivate employees to focus on the objective of continuous improvement of the processes through total commitment. Implementation of Total Employee Commitment at Q Hotels Group The management can utilise a teamwork approach for problem solving and reach the root cause of low service standards. In order to understand different staff related potential causes for fall in customer service ideas a cause and effect diagram can be utilised by Q Hotels (See Exhibit 7). This needs to be followed up with the teams brainstorming to encourage lateral thinking regarding processes, facts, feelings, creativity, benefits and cautions through the use of a 6 thinking hats approach (See Exhibit 8). Since employees will be empowered to determining what the problem areas are, they will also be able to come up with a robust solution that involves inter-departmental teamwork and commitment. Total employee commitment can be described involvement of staff in the managerial functions at an increased level, through employee empowerment and engagement. Engaged employees value the job that they are assigned and are willing to provide assistance to co-workers, eager to take up more job responsibility, motivated to increase their productivity and believe in freely sharing knowledge and information with colleagues (Njie, et al., 2008). Although the most essential factor of employee commitment efforts is on programs that encourage teamwork, nonfinancial rewards and surveying employee opinions, it is important to note that egalitarian pay structures are also related to increased employee involvement, engagement and satisfaction (Scott McMullen, 2010). Total employee commitment and cooperation is associated with overall organisational performance and achievement of corporate goals. The participation of employees totals quality management can lead to a positive impact on job satisf action and overall morale. This also reduces the turnover rate and subsequent cost acquiring and developing a new workforce. Case Study: Total Employee Commitment at Walt Disney Company Q Hotels group can benchmark their total employee commitment efforts against the existing best practices at the Walt Disney Company uses an innovative vision of creating the worlds happiest place, to motivate employees to achieve newer heights of customer satisfaction. Through this form of employee engagement, special focus is given on the role of employees in good quality service delivery. Employees are looked upon as the most important resource in the organisation and, with every staff member being titled cast members, regardless of their job roles. Employees receive extensively trained in communication and teamwork to achieve systematic total quality awareness. An effective administration quality is ceaselessly observed, and workers as often as possible meet in groups to assess the adequacy of their contributions. Every representative is made mindful about how the nature of their own job duties and obligations adds to the general achievement of the recreation centre. Disney also conducts external and internal benchmarking programs, which has resulted in the implementation of an efficient appraisal system for rewarding performance of employees. Employees are not rewarded based on the seniority of their ranks, but depending on the number of individual projects undertaken (Sweis, et al., 2016). Moreover, the nonstop quality administration is the standard technique for development helps the organization to meet the unique needs of clients through high quality of administration (Davis, 2011). Disney offers an organisational environment of innovation and design engineering organisation (IDEO), which is characterised by a non-hierarchical culture. Leadership is engaged from the top to bottom, which is supported by all the levels of their management. There are several total quality management techniques used by Disney which includes innovative design, increased communication, ongoing training, optimal production, and minimised losses. This is done through a Six Sigma programs (Pike Barnes, 1995) which focus on the policy of integrated communication between all employees and departments within the outside the organisation. This ensures that every employee is aware of the ongoing activities within the organisation and are in tandem with ongoing organisational changes. Conclusion Present day customers in the events sector have high demands from hospitality companies and expect extremely high-quality services. Hospitality chains that do not prioritise continuous quality improvement might face risks in maintaining long-run sustainability. The reason for an increase in popularity of a systematic total quality management is that business firms now realise that poor service standards result in the occurrence of high costs for the organisation. Additionally, poor quality has consequences such as the creation of dissatisfied customers and the eventual loss of business. Implementation of total service quality improvement by Q Hotels such as staff training and development and total employee commitment is a modern day survival necessity. Benchmarking against best practices by organisations such as the Hilton Worldwide and the Walt Disney Company will enable Q Hotels Group to experience an overall improvement in efficiency and performance through the establishment of pr oductive employee, better inter-staff work relations, and increased satisfaction of consumers, improved profitability and rapid growth in market share. Recommendations The implementation of total quality management is different for different organisations in the events sector, even they have similar structures and functions. In this context, it is firstly recommended that Q Hotels Group thoroughly investigate the various types and tools of total quality management and adopt the procedures and changes that is appropriate for the company. Secondly, an integrated approach to total quality management and quality assurance must be selected that positively impacts the people, processes, and physical evidence within the organisation. Thirdly, all the employees must be given clear knowledge about the total quality management tools and processes that are being adopted so that they can appreciate the changes and provide their full support by actively participate in the change themselves. Thirdly, it is important for the management to keep in mind the technical applicability and human relations factors of total quality management, which can be addressed with the help of staff training, development and empowerment effort. Bibliography Burnes, B., 2004. Kurt Lewin and the planned approach to change: a re appraisal. Journal of Management studies, 46(1), pp. 977-1002. Carman, S., 2011. Hilton Worldwide Earns ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certifications for Quality and Environmental Management. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 August 2016]. Davis, D., 2011. What time is the 3 o'clock parade? Disney's Approach to Quality Customer Service. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 August 2016]. Hilton Worldwide, 2016. Human Resources Training. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 August 2016]. Hipwell, W., 2012. Hilton Worldwide Expands Leadership Development Training Partnership with eCornell. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 August 2016]. Kapeleris, J., 2012. 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TQM in Action: A practical approach to continuous performance improvement. 2nd ed. London: Springer Science Business Media. Rao, A., 1996. Total Quality Management: A Cross Functional Perspective. s.l.:Wiley. Rehberg, T., Duncan, R. Brooks, A., 2015. Change Management Presentation and Panel Discussion: What is the best change management model?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 August 2016]. Ross, J. E. Perry, S., 1999. Total Quality Management: Text, Cases, and Readings. 3rd ed. London: CRC Press. Scan Capture, 2016. How Maslows Hierarchy of Needs influences Employee Engagement. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 August 2016]. Scott, D. McMullen, T., 2010. The Impact of Rewards Programs on Employee Engagement. Arizona, WorldatWork. SkyMark, 2016. Management Thought Leaders. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 August 2016]. Sweis, R. et al., 2016. Benchmarking of TQM practices in INGOs: a literature review. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 23(1), pp. 236-261. Thakur, K., 2015. 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Monday, April 6, 2020
The Multics Operating System Project
Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computing Service) was a time-sharing operating system developed by MIT, Bell Telephone Laboratories, and General Electric Company since 1965 (Saltzer, 1974, pp. 8-24). Multics last known installation was shut in 2000 in Canada.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Multics Operating System Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Features Multics had some unique features. Multics had a program that controlled all hardware elements by relying on â€Å"symmetric multiprocessing, paging, and multiprogramming†features (Multics, 2013, para. 1; Daley and Neumann, 1965, pp. 84-100). The system had virtual memory. The hardware had to change virtual addresses from the CPU into real addresses (Multics, 2013, para. 1). Users could gain access to virtual memory through hierarchical levels by depending on disks, storage and page components. The OS had a segmented memory, which the u ser could interact with directly. In some cases, different processes shared a segment. Every segment had addresses â€Å"consisting of up to 1MB or 0 to 256K words†(Multics, 2013, para. 1). The architect linked â€Å"the file system with the memory access system†(Multics, 2013, para. 1). This allowed others programs to access files by referring to the memory. Multics also had high standards of language usages. It used PL/I language based on the IBM proposal. The use of high-level language for OS in 1960s was an ambitious approach at the time of Multics development. In addition, the system could support several languages. The system also used relational database. This was the first commercial relational database in the market. Developers designed a secure system from the start of the project. Its security features earned B2 rating awarded by NCSC of the US government. The OS had online reconfiguration (Schell, 1971, p. 86). The system could run without stopping throughout its lifespan. Users could add or remove some components of the system while it was still running. Such components included CPUs, disk drives, and memory among others. Paul Karger and Roger Schell studied Multics vulnerability and noted that the OS could not meet security requirements in its original form (Karger and Schell, n.d, pp. 1-24; Downey, 1977, p. 45). Thus, it was not suitable for an open multi-level system. On the other hand, these researchers noted that Multics had superior security features than other current systems.Advertising Looking for essay on computer science? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They observed that Multics could still work today as a basic Secret or Top Secret system. Multics could also provide a platform in which new systems could rely on to develop advanced secure multi-level systems. During software engineering processes, the team spent resources in order to create an effective O S (Gedda, 2009, pp. 1-4). They developed and wrote the manual prior to the project implementation. The manual contained details about the system. Multics operated on a high-level language together with different codes, designs, programming, and layering technologies. These aimed at controlling the system complexity. Goals Developers of Multics aimed at creating a convenient system that could offer remote terminal abilities. They wanted to create a system that could operate in analogue manner like electricity and telephone services. The system had different approaches to configuration. These were alterable without the system or user involvement in the process. In addition, developers of Multics wanted to build a system with highly reliable internal files (Multics, 2013, para. 1). The system could support selective processes of sharing information (Saltzer, 1974, pp. 388-402). Developers of Multics aimed to create â€Å"a hierarchical structure system, which could support informat ion sharing, administrative roles, and decentralized user activities†(Multics, 2013, para. 2; Organick, 1972, p. 74). At the same time, developers strived at building a system that would run on different types of applications. This would allow Multics to support several programming approaches and other external interfaces. Finally, the team wanted to create a system that could change based on unique needs of users and changes in technologies. Impacts and influences on Modern day trends Programmers of Unix operating system had extensive knowledge in the Multics operating system. Influences of Multics are evident in naming of features such as files and segments. However, these two systems had different internal design approaches. Unix aimed at improving some weaknesses in Multics. For instance, Unix wanted to develop a small and simple system in order to reduce the need for many resources. In other words, Unix would operate on limited hardware compared to Multics. Some schol ars claim that the name Unix, which was initially Unics, originated from Multics. They also argued that the ‘U’ stood for uniplexed rather than the complex Multiplexed of Multics. On this note, critics asserted that Unix developers rejected the complex approach to programming.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Multics Operating System Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Instead, its developers concentrated on a single workable method for small computers. The name reflected a low or a ‘castrated’ form of Multics i.e., the pun was UNICS (Garfinkel and Abelson, 1999, pp. 21-41). Peter Seibel noted that Ken Thompson referred to Multics as an overdesigned and overbuilt system (Seibel, 2007, p. 449). These qualities almost made the system unusable. MIT and Fernando J. Corbato claimed that the system was a success. However, Ken Thompson believed that Multics failed to achieve its goa ls (Gedda, 2009, pp. 1-4; Seibel, 2007, p. 449). Today, the hierarchical file system and the use of the shell in Multics still have strong influences on programmers because these methods provided simple approaches of replacing other processes while programming. Fernando Corbato believed that the name Multics was serious and suggested the value and goal of the system. In this context, developers did not associate the name with any of the involved organizations. Corbato agreed that Multics and Unix shared a pun of the name Multics (Gedda, 2009, pp. 1-4). Other operating systems with Multics influences Apart from Unix, Multics has also influenced other operating systems. For instance, the Prime Computer operating system (PRIMOS) relied on Multics designs. In addition, the Domain/OS have also used Multics ideologies. The Stratus VOS operating system had relied on â€Å"Multics to design its internal and external features†(Seibel, 2007, p. 449). For instance, Stratus VOS OS bo rrowed reliability, security, and availability features from Multics. These two projects had some resembling features in reliability, support, and security (Schroeder and Saltzer, 1972, pp. 157-170). Stratus VOS has a direct connection with the Multics, and it remains one of the surviving OS developed from Multics ideologies. The ICL’s VME operating system relied on Multics security features. Such features had the ability to control access to resources at one side of the system. There are also other operating systems, which have borrowed other features from Multics. Overall, Corbato observes that modern computing relies on Multics approaches like â€Å"hierarchical file systems, file access controls, and dynamic linking on demand†(Gedda, 2009, p. 2) in order to develop their operating systems. Corbato notes that the approach of high-level language was rather ambitious at the time of developing Multics. However, he asserts that it was necessary to improve the effective ness of every input in the system. Today, he believes that developers would have picked a simple programming language than the PL/I.Advertising Looking for essay on computer science? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Daley, R and Neumann, P. (1965). A General Purpose File System for Secondary Storage. Montvale, N.J: AFIPS Press. Downey, P. (1977). Multics Security Evaluation: Password and File Encryption Techniques. Hanscom AFB, MA: HQ Electronic Systems Division. Garfinkel, S., and Abelson, H. (1999). Architects of the Information Society: Thirty-Five Years of the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT. Massachusett : MIT Press. Gedda, R. (2009). CIO Blast from the Past: 40 years of Multics, 1969-2009. Web. Karger, P., and Schell, R. (n.d). Multics Security Evaluation: Vulnerability Analysis. Web. Multics. (2013). Web. Organick, I. (1972). The Multics System: An Examination of Its Structure. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Saltzer, H. (1974). Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics. Comm. ACM, 17(7), 388-402. Saltzer, J. (1974). Introduction to Multics. Cambridge: MIT Press. Schell, R. (1971). Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Modular Computer System. Cambridge: MIT Pro ject MAC. Schroeder, D. and Saltzer, J. (1972). A Hardware Architecture for Implementing Protection Rings. Comm. ACM, 15(3), 157-170. Seibel, P. (2007). Coders at Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming. New York: APress Publications. 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Monday, March 9, 2020
The Swimmer Essay Example
The Swimmer Essay Example The Swimmer Paper The Swimmer Paper Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: The Swimmer Very often people have dreams and desires concerning their lives. Most people envision how they will have a good job and raise a family. Some people manage to do this, and they end up living their fantasy. Others are not as fortunate, and they have to contend with whatever comes their way. As people go through the motions of life, they are carried away with all that is happening and they begin losing focus on the most valuable things to them. They neglect their partners, parents, or children, but they only realize the consequences of what they have done when it is too late for them to make any amends. Such is the story of Ned Merrill, in John Cheever’s story â€Å"The Swimmer†. Merrill has a wonderful life in the beginning of his marriage. However, as time passes, he encounters problems but he chooses to ignore them, realizing too late that he has no family left since his wife and daughters have abandoned him. Merrill does not realize the changing circumstances in his l ife as he is busy living the ideal life, and he chooses to downplay and ignore problems whenever he encounters them. Merrill is a typical American man living in the suburbs. He enjoys the company of his neighbors and friends, who often invite him to their parties. He enjoys mingling with people, who seem to have adopted a drinking culture. In the beginning, he drinks in almost every home he visits. However, things begin to change for him as he realizes that he no longer has the youthfulness and energy that he used to enjoy. Neighbors no longer welcome him to their homes, and there is much discussion among different people concerning his financial problems. Merrill does not understand what his neighbors are saying about him. He chooses to ignore the negative signs coming to him, including the storm that he encounters. This illustrates Merrill’s personality in refusing to deal with the problems as they happen. He refuses to see things as they are, and he instead chooses to live in his fantasy world, where he will not encounter any problems Cheever uses symbolism in the story to explain the passage of time in Merrill’s life, and the changing situation in his personal and family life. The story begins in the midsummer. People are enjoying going to parties, drinking and having fun. This represents the happy moments in Merrill’s life and marriage. There are seemingly no problems in the summer, and this shows the lack of problems in Merrill’s life. The mention of his youthful stature in the beginning is symbolic. Just like youth does not last long, neither does his happy married life, for it ends soon enough for him. The autumn begins right in the middle of summer, and Merrill cannot understand this. This shows the beginning of the fall in Merrill’s marriage. The new fall season is not a pleasant one for Merrill. It is an illustration of the problems that begin to appear in his life. However, just as he ignores the changing seasons, he ignores the changing situation in his life. Merrill begins fe eling old, and he loses his energy. This symbolizes the changed nature of his life and especially his marriage, both of which have become lackluster and lifeless Merrill chooses to ignore his problems rather than deal with them. This is symbolized in the presence of the storm in mid summer. After the storm passes, Merrill chooses to continue swimming in his neighbor’s swimming pool. He does not seem to realize any consequences of the storm. This symbolizes his lack of commitment towards dealing with the problems he is facing in his life. He has financial and marital problems, but he chooses to ignore them. He is concerned about his forgetful nature, wondering if his memory was failing or he had â€Å"disciplined it in the repression of unpleasant facts that he had damaged his sense of truth†. However, despite this thought, he does not explore it further, rather choosing to avoid facing the unpleasant truths that had happened to him. He seems oblivious of his life situations, and he cannot understand the misfortunes that the Hallorans are talking about. â€Å"My misfortunes?†¦I don’t know what you mean.†Merrill’s story is not an exception in his county. The author begins by showing how the people live in affluence. They can afford to have swimming pools in their homes, tennis courts, hold parties, and some even have horses on their property. Merrill was a wealthy man, belonging to the upper class in the society. He chose whoever he would socialize with, and he and his wife did not attend all the parties or dinners that they were invited to, unless the person inviting them was of the same social class. Because of this, they had declined to honor the endless invitations by the Biswangers because the Biswangers invited every person to their parties irrespective of their profession. His fortunes change, and Grace Biswanger describes how he â€Å"went for broke overnight-nothing but income.†As he swims in different pools, he begins noticing several changes that are telltale signs of his neighbor’s financial situation. Merrill notices that the riding ring in one of t he neighbor’s house was â€Å"overgrown with grass and all the jumps dismantled†and there were no horses. In one house, the swimming pool was drained. The Welcher’s home, much like Merrill’s home, is abandoned, and there is a sale post on it. Merrill is a man living in a fantasy and chasing a dream. He does not seem to realize what has happened to his life. He does not remember any changes that occur in his life. He has a happy beginning and he initially enjoys his life, but this does not last for long. He makes decisions that do not favor him, but which end up messing his marriage and his family. He swims through life, failing to deal with the consequences of his actions.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Business Strategy Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Strategy Report - Essay Example They use trade rules and regulations that have been set for each country by the European Union. Branches of each of the business units are spread across these countries. However, they do not share business premises or any other resources. Each business unit operates on its own, but they operate under the same company name In this paper, we shall be reporting to thunder software. As stated, thunder software deals with developing, creating new, and existing software’s for mobile phones and computers. The business unit is spread across the European geographical market. This places the business unit in a very competitive industry and market. Most of the new and better software come from this market. The industry in this specific market has many developers that release open source software’s. This software’s do not require the user to purchase them so that they can be able to use them. This has raised competitiveness in the industry because the open source software’s can be used for the same function as a normal software’s. In order to compete with such a software the company needs to develop better and more user-friendly software’s. New and latest methods for developing software bring the most important chance to improve a company’s reputation (Mark & Eric & Linda 2013, p. 1). Putting this fact into context, competition is bound to be high in the software industry. There is a lot of revenue that is collected from the software business. Every company that prides itself in making it in the software business bites in from the cake of revenue. However, it is not easy for a company to make it in the software industry The European geographical market presents a challenge in terms of competition in the software market. More companies are capable of creating top notch software’s. Thunder software relies on its growth strategies so that they can be able to stay afloat amidst the competition. The company invests in the latest
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Chinese Lion Dance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Chinese Lion Dance - Research Paper Example This paper tells that as Buddhism was the predominant religion in China for a very long time, Lion Dance has come to be an integral part of Chinese culture. Some experts have explored in depth the Buddhist connection in Chinese culture and believe that this famous dance of China has its roots in India. There is also a mythical tale intertwined with Lion Dance. There was a mischievous young lion in heaven that used to go about its pranks causing enormous irritation to the inhabitants. One day matters reached a head when it tried to pull a fast one on Jade Emperor, the lord of the heaven. He got infuriated with the antics of the lion and killed it by decapitating and throwing both the head and the body down on earth to putrefy. But Kwan Yin, the Goddess of mercy, came to know of it and brought the lion back to life by tying its head and body with a red ribbon. The red ribbon is very much visible in the Lion dance costumes of today and is considered to be the lucky omen that most surely ushers in prosperity and good luck. The Goddess of mercy also decked up the lion with a mirror and a horn that were meant to drive away evil spirits. Thus it is a standard ritual among Chinese Lion Dancers to invoke the spirit of the lion in a new lion head before it is used in the dance. This is an elaborate ritual and is known as "Hoi Gong", or the "Eye Opening/Dotting" ceremony. The ceremony consists of painting eyes on the lion head on completion of which the lion is thought of as having entered into this world. Any performance done with a lion head that has not been blessed through the Hoi Gong ritual is considered as a bad omen that most surely brings bad luck and misfortune. There is always a thread of narrative running through the performance which usually begins in a closed space signifying a cave inside which a lion is found sleeping. A rotund Buddhist monk enters the cave and has a look around before he starts setting up the temple. He opens the doors of the closed space , lights up an ornamental lantern and dust and cleans the interiors to make the place worthy of Buddha and his worshippers. The time finally comes to wake the lion which the monk does by beating a drum, a gong and a cymbal. The lion awakes and starts playing with the monk and this continues for some time.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Patient with Nose Defect
Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Patient with Nose Defect Case Report Authors: Satyabodh S Guttal, MDS,MFPT 1, Blessy Bangera, BDS,2 Adarsh Kudva, MDS,3 Basavaraj R Patil, MS, 4 Abstract Midfacial defects are enormous defects that result from cancer treatment that rarely are corrected by surgical reconstruction alone; they generally require a facial prosthesis to restore function and appearance. Surgical reconstruction may be viable for few defects, which are done with different flaps. But for the total nasal resection, prosthetic option would be more feasible. Nasal cartilaginous anatomy is complex due to the varying contours. Therefore it may be difficult for the surgeon to reconstruct the entire nose. This clinical report describes the rehabilitation of a large midfacial nose defect with a dental implant retained nasal prosthesis. The patient had adenocystic carcinoma of the medial maxillary wall extending to the nose. Introduction The face being the most noticeable part of the body when disfigured may lead to an impaired social life stemming from esthetic problems. 1, 2 Among facial defects, nasal defects produce severe cosmetic impairment. . Rehabilitation of such defects subsequent to surgery is done in a sequential manner, which includes a surgical, provisional, and definitive prosthesis. 3 Prosthesis helps restore the patients self-esteem and confidence, hence affecting the patients and their life style. 4-6 Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignant perineural tumour of the major and minor salivary glands, accounting for 2% of all head and neck malignancies and approximately 10% of all salivary gland neoplasms. 60% to 70% of ACC’s arise in the minor salivary glands, which may be localized in the palate, paranasal sinuses and nose, although they may also occur in the parotid or submandibular glands.7 In the past, nasal prostheses were held in position with strings or straps fastened behind the head,8 intranasal or intraoral extensions,9,10 and gold strings or leaves.11-13 Spectacle frames have been accepted for securing nasal prostheses.14,15 Today, with the development of biomaterials, prosthetic substitutes are secured with readily available adhesives that are effortlessly applied 16 however, the effectiveness of adhesives is questionable considering presence of mobile tissues in the defect, nasal secretions, and moist air associated with respiration.17 These factors would compromise the adhesiveness. The concept of osseointegration 18 has enabled a more reliable mode of retaining nasal prostheses. 19 This clinical report describes the rehabilitation of a large midfacial defect using an implant retained nasal prosthesis. Clinical Report: A 63-year-old female patient who reported to the B.R Patil Cancer hospital, Navanagar, Dharwad was diagnosed with adenocystic carcinoma of the medial maxillary wall. Patient had no medical co-morbidity. Patient gave history of nasal obstruction due to nasal mass on left side of the nostril for which medial maxillectomy was done via endoscopic approach in the year 1993. Then in 2012 she reported back with the complaint of nodular swelling over nasal dorsum with tearing and nasal obstruction with no orbital symptoms. Intra-orally patient had destruction of palate on the left side crossing midline. Upon further investigation, biopsy revealed adenocystic carcinoma of the nose and left maxilla with no involvement of orbit or anterior skull base (Fig 1). Two cycles of chemotherapy with cisplatin, 5 flurouracil and paclitaxel according to body surface area was given. The defect resulting after excision had to be covered at the earliest. Hence, prior to surgical intervention, prosthetic consultation was suggested to the patient who was thus referred to our Department of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics. Since an immediate definitive prosthesis was not feasible, the patient was suggested for temporary rehabilitation with an interim silicone nasal prosthesis with an attached eyeglass frame. However, since the patient expressed her displeasure towards spectacles for lifelong usage, she was given the option of implant-retained definitive silicone nose prosthesis. The patient agreed for the same. An orthopantomograph and computerized tomography scan were made as a part of the investigation to evaluate the bone height for implant placement. Left total maxillectomy with palatal resection across midline and total nasal resection done via weber ferguson incision, left modified radical neck dissection type three via macfee incision was made. The glabellar bone was evaluated on the operation table and upon conclusion that adequate bone was available; a single implant of 4.2 diameter x 6.5mm length, (Toureg S; Adin implants, Nazareth, Israel) was placed (Fig 2). The advantage of placing the implant on the operation table was that the patient would be under general anesthesia, and the psychological trauma of undergoing another surgical procedure was avoided. Following a healing period of 3 months the open tray impression posts were placed and the final impression was made. The abutment was placed on the implant and a custom made acrylic sleeve was fabricated for the abutment (Fig 3). A wax sculpted nose on the master cast was made to adapt to the margins of the healing wound. On either sides of the acrylic resin sleeve, two neodymium-iron-boron magnets, 5mm diameter x 1.2mm thick (Magnatech; Mumbai, India) were embedded into extensions made out of autopolymerising resin. The structure hence resembled a winged sleeve which was cemented on to the abutment using zinc-phosphate cement (Harvard Dental, Hoppegarten,Germany) (Fig 4). An acrylic resin index was fabricated over this structure which would harbor the respective magnetic keepers. The acrylic index was placed at its position over the magnets and was picked up by the wax nose that was placed on it using a drop of cyanoacrylate. The resulting wax nose thus incorporated an acrylic index with the magnetic keepers. This wax nose was carefully invested and the packing procedure using silicone and acrylic resin border framework, intrinsic coloring was carried out as mentioned for the interim above. Extrinsic coloring and pigmentation was done and patient was happy with the esthetic results. Digital weighing scale revealed that the definitive nasal prosthesis weighed around 12.2gms. The retentive force offered by the two neodymium-iron-boron magnets (Magnatech; Mumbai, India) was found to be 7.2N. The prosthesis was delivered to the patient (Fig 56). Following this, home-care instructions were given. In the subjective evaluation, the patient was very happy with the esthetics outcome of the prosthesis and expressed her great pleasure towards her ability to swallow liquids. The ryles tube continued to remain in place considering the general health condition of the patient and the need to feed semi solid food and protein supplements. The prosthesis was light in weight and could be comfortably placed in position as it was self-aligning due to the use of magnets. Patient, who is now on regular periodic follow-up ie, recalling at every 3 month period, is found to be doing well. Discussion Nasal reconstruction modalities comprises of primary closure, healing by secondary intention, skin grafts and local flaps and regional flaps. Small surgical defects can be treated well with different types of local flaps. The forehead flap is the better option for the large nasal defects. 20 The complex anatomical configuration may cause difficulty in surgical rehabilitation. In such cases, prosthetic closure is predictable and hence usually the treatment of choice. 21,22 The breakthrough for rehabilitation of facial defects with implant-retained prostheses came with the development of the modern silicones and bone anchorage. The limitations of the prosthesis were explained to the patient prior to the treatment, that fact that the prosthesis would enhance esthetics but would contribute less to the functions like speech and masticatory habits. Hence, the patient had no psychological set back on the prognosis of the treatment. In addition, there was a major set-back in terms of achieving outstanding esthetical and functional outcome due to the fact that all the work was carried out under technical constraints. This included a lack of time, chair-side patient availability, and ideal light conditions which, to an extent precluded optimal color blending. The main objective of treating this case was to close the open defect, to prevent the further spread of infection in the soft tissues exposed to the environment. The use of a magnetic assembly has eliminated the need for use of spectacle retention as per the patient’s request. The patient indicated that the nasal prosthesis reduced self-consciousness and was comfortable to wear without any type of irritation to the surrounding skin. The patient was pleased with her appearance and no longer found the need to wrap a cloth around her face. References Guttal SS, Patil NP, Thakur S, Kumar MV, Kulkarni S. 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Goveas R, Puttipisitchet O, Shrestha B, Thaworanunta S, Srithavaj ML. Silicone nasal prosthesis retained by an intranasal stent: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2012;108:129-32. Figure Legends: Fig 1: Preoperative patients photograph Fig 2: Placement of titanium dental implant in the glabella,-confirmed on the x-ray. Fig 3: Abutment threaded to implant and the trial of acrylic resin sleeve done. Fig 4: Cemented acrylic resin framework embedded with magnets on either side. Fig 5: Comparison between before and after prosthesis placement. Fig 6: Lateral profile of before and after prosthesis placement. Spectacle glasses were given to camouflage the borders of the prosthesis.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Elements Of A Shakespeariean Tragedy :: essays research papers
Elements of A Shakespeariean Tragedy      Shakespeare wrote many tragedies, which included The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. He chose to take an important event in Roman history, the death of Julius Caesar to write a play for the Globe Theater in 1599. The people who lived during the Renaissance were very interested in the play and the story of Julius Caesar's death. People's views of the play dating from 1599 to the present may be very different and continually changing. Though the elements of Shakespeare's tragedy Julius Caesar and other Shakespearian tragedies are all the same. A Shakespearian tragedy is comprised of several elements; two include a tragic hero and supernatural elements.      In a tragedy, the tragic hero is of high social position. The tragic hero has a destructive flaw which in turn brings about his downfall. There is much argument over who the tragic hero is in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Some scholars say that the tragic hero is Julius Caesar, while others say it is Marcus Brutus. A case can be made for both of the characters. Both Brutus and Caesar are of high social and political status. Caesar was the dictator for life of Rome and Brutus was an honorable Senator. Julius Caesar had two tragic flaws. Caesar was said by Brutus to be ambitious, which led directly to his downfall - â€Å" But as he was ambitious, I slew him.†(Act 3. Scene 2. Line 28) Caesar was also arrogant, he believed that he was too great to be harmed, Caesar said â€Å" Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste death but once.†(Act 2. Scene 2. Lines 34-35) Brutus too, had a tragic flaw. Brutus was an idealist, not a realist. Brutus was an optimist, he always wanted the best for Rome. Although sometimes, Brutus couldn't see things for what they really are. This flaw prevented him from making good decisions.      The supernatural elements present in the play all foreshadow events to come. Three different characters show supernatural predictions. The Soothsayer has an insight of trouble for Julius Caesar and he warns him - â€Å"Beware the Ides of March.†(Act 1. Scene 2. Line 21) On March 15, the date that Caesar was warned of, his wife, Calphurnia had bad dreams. Calphurnia cried out in her sleep â€Å"Help ho, they murder Caesar!†(Act 2. Scene 2. Line 3.) Calphurnia knew that her dreams were a sign of what was to come. After Caesar's death, another supernatural event occurred. Marc Antony and Octavius were at war with Brutus and Cassius. Brutus was in his tent where his army was camped when the ghost of
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Religious and Ethnic Groups Paper Essay
There is a lot of diversity when it comes to religion and race, mostly because of the lack of understanding each of them. If we take the time to learn a little bit about them I think that it will open our eyes and let us be more accepting of whom they are. Although there is a lot of discrimination in the world today we are still a lot more understanding than our ancestors where. The religious group that I have chosen is Jehovah’s Witnesses because they are more shunned against than any other religion I know. As for the ethnic group I chose is Black (African descent) because it seems to me that they are more discriminated against than any other race. Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs are somewhat similar to the Christian beliefs, for example, they rely on the authority of the Bible, worship only one God and trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection for salvation. Some of the differences from the other religions are that they reject the doctrine of the Trinity and the existence of Hell, believes that Gods name is Jehovah, and they also believe the Holy Spirit to be Gods active force. They also believe that only 144,000 people will go to Heaven to rule with God and those that are left on earth that are deemed worthy will live in a restored Garden of Eden. Witnesses also believe that the purpose of Jesus incarnation of earth was threefold, which are as follows, To teach the truth about God, To provide a model of perfect life for people to follow, and To sacrifice his life to set humans free from sin and death. It is their belief that Jesus was not nailed to a cross but rather a single upright stake and that God raised Jesus fro m the dead, as a spirit creature, and he returned to Heaven, but that he was not made King until 1914. Witnesses try to push their religion onto other people without even taking that they already have a religion into consideration. They go door-to-door and try to get others to believe the way they do and also try to convert people with other religion. This causes people to become very upset and sometimes they become very aggressive and violent towards the Witnesses. There tends to be a lot of very heated discussions on whether their beliefs are what is right and others beliefs are wrong no matter if they worship the same God or not. There are several ways that Witnesses have contributed to the American culture over the years, for example, they have administered functions called â€Å"The Society†and the â€Å"Watch Tower Society†, which they have used to put out their version of the word of God. They have won several court cases in which it has let people have their own religious freedoms to worship as they please. Witnesses have also made it to where you can have an operation and not have to accept a blood transfusion since because of their religion they do not believe in getting. There are several different procedures now that can be done without a transfusion when one was needed the way they done the surgery before. In their religion they are extremely discriminated against because of how they worship and what they believe. The sources of this prejudice is from the people but also mainly from the government because of their concern that it is wrong for them to spread the word the way they do, so to speak. For example, the French government branded them a â€Å"Dangerous Sect.†, and 71 Kingdom Halls where vandalized, burned and shot at and also fire bombed because of how they worshipped. French officials also publically called them criminals and taxed 60 percent on their religion and conveniently forgetting to tax other religions. Also Moscow even went as far as to outlaw their religion and said that they cannot even have a house of worship nor could they practice their faith in the privacy of their own home. There are several other ways that this religion has been discriminated against because of what they believe and how they choose to worship even though when it comes right down to it in the end we all really believe in the same outcome. I have learned a lot about this religion from the research that I have done and I do believe it has helped me understand them more because in the beginning I had no clue exactly what they believed in or how they even practiced their faith. Although I don’t agree with some of the things that they do and some of the ways that they perceive what they Bible says I am more accepting of who they are. The racial/ethnic group that I have chosen for this assignment is African decent because I think that they are more discriminated against than most race’s that I know. They differ from other ethnic groups because for one their culture is different than most others, such as ancestry is different, culture and sometimes language can be different. This race has experienced different things with different cultures, for example, sometimes people that are Caucasian tend to treat them like they aren’t good enough for them to even talk to and that can cause a lot of controversy between the two ethnic groups. I think that in this day and age that everyone is more accepting of what color, gender, race or anything that is considered different than they were before. This race has contributed so much to the American culture and has made everyone look at some things in a better light so that they have a better understanding of what they went through in their history. They have paved the way for different races in a way that will help for hundreds of years to come. For example, they have made a huge impact with our music, religion, cuisine, clothing and hair styles, and several more. I believe that if they didn’t bring all these things to the American culture than it would be an extremely boring place to live. They seem to make things come alive, for example, they are more active when a church service is going on, they sing, dance and generally have a great time listening to the teachings of the Lord, which in itself is something that one needs to experience. There is also quite a bit of discrimination towards them to the point where it leads to a lot of violence. A woman named Rosa Parks was arrested on December 1st, 1955 because she refused to give up her seat on the bus because the white section was already full. Another example was slavery where white Americans bought, sold and traded African Americans so that they could use them to do the work that they didn’t want to do. They were treated as if they weren’t even humans at all, they were beaten, hanged, starved and degraded so bad because of the color of their skin. The main sources of this discrimination are of the white decent. I have learned quite a bit about this race to the point where I do understand them a lot more than I did. I’m not the kind of person that looks at the color of someone’s skin before I get to know them and because of that I am one of many who tries to accept everyone for who they are. The two groups that I have chosen are somewhat similar when it concerns what they have gone through in history to get to where they are now because of the narrow minded people out there. They are extremely different in just about every way there is but there are some African descent who are Jehovah’s Witnesses and they have to struggle twice as hard to be accepted for who they are. My conclusions about the discrimination between the two are that no matter what religion you are or what race you are there is always going to be problems because of the lack of acceptance and understanding from other race’s and other religions. References:
Friday, January 3, 2020
Schizophreni A Common And Serious Disorder Essay - 1645 Words
Schizophrenia is one of the most common and serious disorder in the United States. In their 2002 publication, â€Å"Violence and schizophrenia: examining the evidence,†Elizabeth Wals h, Alec Buchanan and Thomas Fahy discuss that, â€Å"In the United States alone there are a minimum of two million schizophrenics.†Though schizophrenia is a widely known disorder that has been common in the United States since the late 1880s, its causes are not yet fully known. Schizophrenia not only affects the patient; it can also lead to serious emotional damage to the person’s family. In their 2015 publication, â€Å"Visualization analysis of author collaborations in schizophrenia research,†Ying Wu and Zhiguang Duan state that schizophrenia is, â€Å"characterized by abnormal mental functions and disturbed behaviors, which characteristically appear as a series of clinical features such as positive and negative symptoms, and disturbances in basic cognitive functions (1 ). Schizophrenia is an extremely dangerous disorder and leaving it untreated can lead to dangerous outcomes to the patient and the people around them. Schizophrenia is a very common disorder, for some people it can appear suddenly without any warnings, but for others it comes slow, with small warnings leading to a gradual decline in functioning before schizophrenia decides to take over. Signs that usually begin to show when a person is schizophrenic is, depression, withdrawal, inability to express joy, cry, oversleeping, or insomnia, or
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