Monday, September 30, 2019
Motive To Study At Bangor University Motivation Factors Education Essay
In general, the term â€Å" motive †is defined as the determination doing procedure that initiates, argues and thrusts to accomplish the ends of an person or administration. Writers believe that assorted factors contribute to motive. For illustration, in their article â€Å" Self Focused attending, public presentation anticipations and the strength of attempt: Do Peoples seek harder for harder ends? †Daniel et Al ( 2010, pg 2 ) , province â€Å" Brehm ‘s motivational strength theory nevertheless proposes that attempt is non rather so simple. This theoretical account assumes that the mobilisation of bodily resources is dearly-won, so people will set away every bit much attempt as necessary to accomplish a end. †I tend to hold with this theoretical account as it stressed on how one should do attempt to accomplish the ends alternatively of blowing clip. I used this theoretical account as a footing when taking my categories while maintaining in head my overa ll ends. Harmonizing to me motive is the cardinal driver for determination devising procedure With this in head, my two chief motivational factors to prosecute my MBA from Bangor are: Professional and personal. On a professional forepart, I besides wanted to analyze in a UK university that is little plenty to see a one to one interactive with the module and it at the same clip it provides a dynamic acquisition environment. As I read about the university online, I found it really interesting that is had â€Å" An impressive 93 % satisfaction evaluation was given by Bangor Business School pupils in the most recent National Students Survey †. This clearly reflects on learning and larning experience within the university. Furthermore Bangor University is good recognised in UK is besides a motive factor. In add-on, I feel the concern universe is acquiring smaller and bulk of employees within companies today are from diverse civilizations. Bangor University ‘s rich and diverse civilization will assist me during my group undertakings and heighten my communicating accomplishments further. In general, I am trusting that the cognition and experience I gain from Bangor University will do be better prepared for the existent universe concern experience. I found Bangor to be the best university with elect squad of professors and classs that help in constructing a strong foundation for us as we get ready to confront the ‘real ‘ concern universe. Again, this will fulfill my â€Å" societal and esteem demands †( Maslow Hierarchy Need ) . On a personal degree, my brother graduated with an MBA grade from Bangor. He enjoyed his experience at the university. He besides liked the diverse civilization and friendly environment. I personally found a great alteration in my brother ‘s mentality to the concern universe. I enjoyed listening to the fantastic experiences with such enthusiasm was so reviewing to hear. What I found interesting was that every clip he shared his advanced thoughts he supported it by assorted theories he had learnt in his categories. When I joined Bangor, it was a soothing feeling to be introduced to assorted professors ( which my brother personally introduced me ) . This is of import to me, non merely because I myself am an international pupil. In add-on, go forthing place to peruse my surveies further in UK, it is of import to my household that I study in a metropolis that is safe and comparatively free from offense. Statistics show â€Å" The offense rate in North Wales is considered to be one of the lowest in the whole of the UK †[ I ] In visible radiation of above, possibly Maslow ‘s Hierarchy Need sums up so far my motives. I feel prosecuting my grade will give me an chance to non merely explore but besides fulfill my societal demands. Indeed being exposed to different cultural backgrounds will do me more socially cognizant. This is a immense motivational force for me as I want to work in a professional international environment. To sum, I feel that if you want to accomplish your end so you should hold to bask, explore and work the competences which come in our manner. The ground for taking Bangor University is that I want to make my MBA by non merely analyzing hard but besides by acquiring some planetary exposure.Approach to LearningMy attack to acquisition is based on three points: Information Gathering: To seek for the information that is required for accomplishing my ends. Measuring Information: To measure and form utile information to acquire context out of it. Implementing Strategy into Action: To aline the information to do a scheme and so implementing the utile scheme into actions. My attack to acquisition is base on mistake critiscm and rectification. This means that it is of import I foremost gather cognition for larning and so knock it and accordingly rectify it by traveling through the procedure or rating, eventually seting it into action. My attack to larning chiefly focuses on formalizing my point and so prolonging with my ain points. This attack is based on working the recent cognition that I have gained and besides utilizing different beginnings to understand the new and advanced cognition. This will profit me in two ways: One, I can expeditiously pull off today ‘s demands of the of all time altering concern environment. Two, it gives me the chance to take ends, values, programs and regulations are operationalized instead than inquiry ( Argyris and Schon, 1974 ) . Argyris et Al ( 1974 ) usage Single Loop Learning and Double Loop Learning as an alternate response is to inquiry to regulating variables themselves, to subject them to critical examinat ion. Hence they believe that Double Loop Learning is far better than Single Loop Learning Theory as it focuses on mistake unfavorable judgment and rectification. In my attack to acquisition, I find that Double Loop Learning theory best suits in accomplishing my ends.aˆÂ ¦ .Overall, my procedure of acquisition is to research my cognition and so develop a scheme which contains all positions required. Then implementing my wonts, attitude and manner of instruction in that scheme and so eventually implementing this scheme into actions by mistake unfavorable judgment and rectification. This theoretical account proposed by Onions ( 1973 ) is a true theoretical account of Learning. Harmonizing to Onions ( 1973 ) â€Å" Learning is a three procedure activity: To Develop: To blossom more to the full, conveying out all that is contained in. To Educate: To convey up from childhood, so as to organize wonts, manners, mental and physical aptitudes. To Train: To teach subject in or for some peculiar art, profession, business or pattern, to exert, pattern drill. †Pg-5 This theoretical account chiefly focuses on expeditiously alining the resources so updating it and trains it, to acquire a proper attack of larning. I tend to hold with this theoretical account and program to utilize this attack of larning in my ain learning manner.Issues in Group WorkThere are several issues which are anticipated in a group work. These issues non merely consequences in detroit the public presentation of the group but besides consequences in doing the way hard to accomplish the ends. Some of the issues are: Satisfaction: The degree of satisfaction is different for each person and therefore the procedure to make that satisfaction is different therefore I think this is the basic ground for group struggle. Since satisfaction is of two types: a ) Growth Satisfaction: It means growing of the group, how much undertaking has they done? So it is besides a basic ground for struggle. B ) Social Satisfaction: It means satisfaction of each member in a group. How much he/she is comfy in a group. This is besides a basic ground for group struggle. Planning: It means doing schemes to do usage of effectual resources like clip, attempt etc is the basic ground for group struggle. Since every member does non hold to utilize same scheme in a group. Directing: This is the most of import ground for group struggle. As it focuses on directing the clip, attempts and even member ‘s work and since each member do n't hold on this. Since every member has their ain positions on pull offing the undertakings so by and large they do n't hold on pull offing their resources. Forming: It means programming, meetings and implementing of schemes. So the leader plays a major function in this thing as a consequence of this each member did non be given to hold on forming therefore there is a struggle between leader and group members. Measuring each Member ‘s Performance: This is the major issue of struggle in a group, when you tend to measure each member ‘s public presentation in a group. How much attempts, clip is he/she giving to the group work and therefore this consequence in issues or struggles in a group. As a consequence of measuring each member ‘s public presentation makes the public presentation of group biased. Common Purpose and Specific Goals: It means each member should hold a common intent to accomplish the specified ends. Furthermore their attack must be the same in order to be in the same group. Therefore this is the ground for group struggle because each member can non hold a similar group and in order to alter the attack of each member is non an easy undertaking and therefore causes struggles. Skills: It refers to the cognition, skills each member has with him. It focuses on the accomplishment of ends. It is the root cause of group struggle. Since each member has different accomplishments and their public presentation depends upon these accomplishments. So it puts a negative position of the meber who has low accomplishments. Skills are of two types: a ) Administrative Skills: These accomplishments are required to pull off and aline the undertakings, attempts and accomplishments of members in a group. Therefore this accomplishment is besides an issue in group struggle. B ) Technical Skills: These accomplishments are required to technically stipulate the accomplishments in the group. It includes accomplishments requires in usage of engineering. If any member who is technically updated has the penchant in the group and therefore has the upper advantage in the group which makes other member covetous of him. It consequences in struggle in Group Work. Attitude of Group Members: It states as the behaviour of the group members. It means the manner they do their undertakings in a group. It focuses how much are they seting? It chiefly focuses on behaviour like are they chesty, how much clip are they giving in undertakings. It chiefly rely on members should go to in the proper manner. This is the major issue for a group struggle. If a member is non interested in making their work. They manner they pursue their occupation, responsibilities. If a member is non an effectual user of resources so it consequences in struggle. Loyalty: It means that each member should be loyal to the group work they are making. Each member should give his/her 100 % to be a loyal member of the group. They should be a loyal member so they each member can swear each other. It rely on the fact each member should be a loyal in go toing meetings, occupations and acting of responsibilities and undertakings assigned to them. If atoll any member is non loyal so it consequences in issues and struggles in a group work. Role of Each Member: It means each member should hold a similar function. One should non be biased to any member otherwise it consequences in struggles in a group work. The function of each member like acting of responsibilities, undertakings etc should be every bit balanced. If any member is excessively much over pressured so it consequences in struggles in a group work. Procedure the Group Use: It means the process a group uses should be agreed by each member otherwise it consequences in a group struggle. It is besides a major issue as to acquire each member agree on the similar processs as to acquire each member agree on the similar processs as each member has their ain thoughts and their ain manner of attacks to work. So it depends upon the leader to choose a process on the common concern of each member. Interpersonal Manners: It is an of import issue in group work. Since each member has their ain manners of working and one can non coerce anyone to alter their ain manners. So one has to accommodate and appreciate manners of each member otherwise there would be conflict in group work. Decision Devising: It includes a procedure in which determinations are taken. This is the major issue in a group work and it states all the determinations should be taken by the common concern of each member. If there are six members in a group and four agree to take determinations and the remainder two are opposing the determinations so there will be struggles in a group work. Division of Labour: It focuses that the undertakings should be every bit distributed in a group. One should non be biased with any member. Each member should give equal importance and equal responsibilities, occupation and duty. If any two member ‘s holding less work and everything is left on staying members so it raises struggle. Hence it is an of import factor which consequences in group struggles. Leadership: This is the major issue in a group struggle. Group ‘s public presentation depends upon the leader. If the leader is chesty and his manner of manner does non fit with other member ‘s so it raises struggle in the group. So one has to sure of taking the leader as a leader is the representative of the group. He is the 1 responsible for division of labor, planning, directing and forming etc. So one has to take attention of while taking a leader otherwise it consequences in struggles in a group work. Harmonizing to Joyce S. , David A. , Irwin M. , Osland Kolb Rubin â€Å" Sometimes they put less attempts to group undertakings than when they work entirely. This is known as Social Loafing. †Pg-193.Addressing Issues In Group WorkFor work outing issues in a group struggle I agree with this theoretical account. Harmonizing Joyce S. ( 2001 ) â€Å" A Model on Problem Solving Based on Theory of Experimental Learning. This theoretical account consists of four phases: Situation Analysis: What ‘s the most of import Problem- The undertaking of state of affairs analysis is to analyze the immediate situational context to find the right job to work on. Problem Analysis: What are the causes of the Problem- The undertaking of job analysis is to specify the job decently in footings of indispensable variables or factors that influence it. Solution Analysis: What ‘s the Best Solution- Solution analysis seeks to bring forth possible solutions and to prove their feasibleness for work outing the job. Execution Analysis: How do we implement the solution- Task necessity for implementing the solution must be identified and organized into consistent programs with appropriate clip deadlines and follow up ratings. †Pg-218 & A ; 219 Harmonizing to me I agree with this theoretical account and will utilize in future to work out struggles and issues in group work. As it focuses on each and every measure and give importance to each measure. Furthermore I would utilize an attack that attempts to look for job and so discoursing the jobs. After that use an attack that will turn to to solutions to these jobs. Harmonizing to me chief struggle in a group work is related Division of Labour so I strongly use such sort of attack that will supply equal and balanced distribution of labor between each member of the group. Another major issue is Decision Making Process so I should utilize a procedure which helps in taking all the determinations reciprocally agreed by each member instead than coercing the determinations on them. Furthermore I think alternatively of choosing the leader on my ain, we should keep an single vote system to choose the leader. As a leader is the representative of the group. My first focal point is to esteem and appreciate interpersonal manners. Since every person has his ain manner of working and therefore 1 has to accommodate themselves to the manners and attitude of each member. We should travel for the process that is good accepted by each member of the group. We should discourse attacks that we should utilize in a group work. We have to esteem each member ‘s facts, their clip and attempts. So we should travel for that procedure and attack with which everyone is comfy and ready to bask in working towards that attack. Another issue is forming which focuses on scheduling meetings and implementing schemes therefore it becomes a major struggle issue in a group. So in order to screen it out one should concentrate on scheduling meetings harmonizing to the convenience of each member and implement schemes after discoursing it with each member. Implement it merely after every member is pleased by that attack. In order to work out issues in group conflict one should concentrate on encouraging each member to give thoughts and so give accent on flow of thoughts, information and cognition within a group. One should cook to compromise in a group and appreciate each other ‘s thoughts. One should concentrate on effectual usage of resources and usage of wit while working in a group.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Penn foster study guide Essay
Welcome to Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education! We hope that this course will add to your knowledge and help you form new opinions about a subject in which you’re already interestedâ€â€educating young children. KNOW YOUR TEXTBOOK Your textbook for this course is Foundations of Early Childhood Education: Teaching Children in a Diverse Setting by Janet Gonzales-Mena. It’s important that you read the material in your textbook and study until it’s completely familiar to you. This is the material on which your examinations are based. The content of the textbook is divided into three sections: Part 1â€â€Foundations of the Teaching-Learning Process: The Role of the Early Childhood Educator Part 2â€â€Foundations of Curriculum: Planning for Learning Part 3â€â€Foundations for Formal Education: Planning for Learning As you read the chapters within those parts, you’ll discover the following features: Chapter introductions, which provide overviews Chapter outlines, which identify key topics Sections titled â€Å"In This Chapter You’ll Discover,†which provide a list of things you should learn in the chapter  Marginal links that connect key content to the National  Association for the Education of Young Children early childhood program standards Your examples should be descriptions of specific incidents. For example, a child may have had a problem separating from a parent the day that you observed. You would describe exactly how the caregiver or teacher handled the situation and redirected the child. Giving a general description or providing brief examples of how the caregiver or teacher interacts with the all the children in the room isn’t sufficient for this part of your summary. 3. What is the guidance and discipline policy used at the facility? Clearly explain how misbehavior is handled. 4. What did you like best and least about the program? This part of your summary should state your views of the program. Discuss three points you liked about the program and three points you didn’t like. Provide specific examples to illustrate each point. 5. What are some suggestions for improvement? In this part of your report, discuss some ways in which you feel the quality of the program could be improved. What do you think could be done differently that would better meet the needs of the children in the setting? Remember, even the best environment can be improved. List at least five suggestions for improvement. Make any other needed revisions. Revise as many times as you feel necessary, and then correct your report for spelling and grammar. Your final submission should be typed in a 12-point font with double-spaced formatting.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Body Shop and the Cosmetics Industry Dissertation
The Body Shop and the Cosmetics Industry - Dissertation Example The Body shop is the second largest cosmetic franchise in the world and founded by the late Dame Anita Roddick. Headquartered in Little Hampton, THE Body Shop is known for its vegetable-based products ranging from Body Butter, Peppermint Foot Lotion, and Hemp (Corporate Report 2009). The Body Shop has emphasized its support for a wide range of issues around the globe. The company is noted for a range of product environmental innovation. For example, rather than using new bottling bottles from the shop, they press on using their own bottles. (Report 2007). 1.1 Problem Statements and Research Questions Although the concept of CSR has gained prominence during the last couple of decades, little research has addressed the concept within The Body Shop. This paper seeks to open another research area by focusing on The Body Shop and cosmetic industry. Thus, this paper addresses three important questions. 1. Why is CSR an increasingly relevant factor within the cosmetics industry 2. How is CSR implemented by The Body Shop to gain competitive advantage in the cosmetics industry However, this is limited to the body shop as focusing on the body shop has a number of advantages. For example it pioneered CSR behaviours in the cosmetic industry. 3. How has The Body Shop's practice of CSR demonstrated a correlation with customer purchasing behaviour Has this been affected by the recent takeover of The Body Shop by L'Oreal 1.2 Objectives and Purpose of Study This research focuses on the cosmetic industry. The purpose of the paper is to address and examine CSR activities in the cosmetic industry focusing on the body shop. The main purpose is to examine why CSR is an increasingly relevant factor within the cosmetic industry. Another objective is to... These issues pose significant challenges for companies as far as their competitive position and long-term performance is concerned. Consequently, it is necessary for companies to design CSR policies that would enable customers and other major stakeholders to perceive them as genuine companies. Such an approach will go a long way to improving the competitive position and long-term performance of the company. Companies must also increase the information that they disclose in their corporate social responsibility reports as this increases the company’s chances of being perceived as a transparent company and thus its chances of performing well in the community. This dissertation through theories and literature explores the concept of CSR and thereby takes a case study approach and analyses the application of CSR in the cosmetics industry and more specifically in ‘The Body Shop’. The Body Shop has made a name for itself in the cosmetics industry by trading the path of honesty and integrity in terms of its CSR policies. In conclusion, despite its noble approach towards CSR and better future environment over the years, it has many rooms for improvement.Here, it is important to note here that, CSR activities have become the values of the body shop, through its belief and emphasis on natural ingredients and environmental activities, the body shop has distinguished itself from other beauty shops in the cosmetic industry. Its emphasis on socially responsible and corporate citizenship has created a competitive edge in the market.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Manager of a bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Manager of a bank - Essay Example The position’s basic academic qualifications vary across banks. While some banks prefer people with Masters Degrees in Business Administration or post graduate diploma in business management, others recruit individuals with Bachelor degrees. Qualified accountants under Chartered Accountancy can also fill the position of a bank manager. Similarly, a Master degree in Economics is an entry qualification into the career position. While possession of any of these qualifications establishes an opportunity to be employed by a bank as its manager, a combination of two or more, and even possession of other academic qualifications in addition to these, adds competitive advantage to an individual for consideration into the position of a bank manager. Such qualifications are necessary for meeting the scope of work in the banking sector, which defines the roles and responsibilities of a bank manager. The manager has a general responsibility of overseeing operations in his or her branch or sets of branches and includes exercising control over branch employees and processes. The manager is for example responsible for marketing his branch and the branch’s offered products. He, with respect to this role ensures development of strategies for understanding customer’s behavior and influencing such behavior towards higher demand for the organization’s product. He is also responsible for meeting customers’ expectations and resolving any emergent problems from customers. This is achieved through two initiatives. Ensuring that customers’ utility through offered products is achieved by initiating market research in order to determine products that can meet customers’ changing needs. He also approves m arket research findings for implementation towards delivery of newly developed products and practices. The manager also listens to customers’ complains against his branch’s employees or products, and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Competency BasedCurriculum Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Competency BasedCurriculum Development - Essay Example What host of questions remains unexamined?†The paper includes recommendations on curriculum trends likely to remain prominent for managing the interests of state and federal governments, the needs of individual students, the academic freedom of teachers, and the requirements of employers and the community. Jackson’s statement is part of a debate on competency based education and training (CBET) that has gone on for decades despite wide acceptance in a growing number of developed and developing countries. Stevenson and Brown (1994) state that the main point of contention is the answer to the following question: what is the purpose of education? The varied answers explain why educators and policymakers are divided into three camps: those who see CBET as a pariah, as a panacea, or as neither of the two (Bowden, 1998). Hager (1994, cited in Jones, 1999, p. 156) traces these debates to the longstanding dispute on â€Å"vocational versus general education†and to the main issue of whether and to what extent vocationalism should drive education (Kerka, 1998). CBET started out as a system of vocational instruction in U.S. factories early in the last century. Having experienced its effectiveness, U.S. policymakers applied competency based methods to teacher training in the late 1960s and used it a decade later to reform the curricula in other professions (Bowden, 1998). Its relative success helped it spread to other countries, notably the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand in the 1980s (Herschbach, 1991, p.3). The evolution from competency based training (CBT) to CBET is evident in the design of a competency based curriculum that, like an evolving living creature, reflects the â€Å"genetic code†of its conceptual ancestors. Not only does the competency based curriculum of, say, a course in medicine adopt key principles from CBT, but the competency based curriculum of, say, a vocational training course
The Amen Corner (response paper) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Amen Corner (response paper) - Essay Example Her movements are natural and a way too expressive, but it is good for the performance as it corresponds to the plot of the play. She is persuasive even when she sits on a chair because her movements and behavior do not change to more passive or less engaged mode. Overall, her performance adds drive to the play and she copes with her task successfully. 2. All actors dynamically move around the stage. There is a certain rotation to give each actor some time for taking a leading role. These actors usually stand in the middle or in the front positions towards other actors. It makes them visible for other actors and spectators. It is evident that even when the actors sit, they have to move and express their engagement. The arrangement of benches on the stage makes the stalls to join the space of the church. It is very engaging for people as they are offered to take part in the performance too. On the other hand, when the action takes place in the church, all characters have their major place, but their conduct seems to be not realistic because they are all too enthusiastic. Every actor who takes a lead manifests their character a bit aggressively, and it makes transition from one role to the other unnatural. At the same time, when scene moves from church to home, the situation improves. Actors behave naturally and manage to establish homely atmosphere on the state. In this way, directors work can be considered successful because it adds dynamics to the play and let some space for each character to remain individual and avoid merging with the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Human resource management for public and nonprofit organizations Essay
Human resource management for public and nonprofit organizations - Essay Example The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 is a federal statute of the USA, which governs job compensation. Its main provisions deal with minimum wages, overtime pay, equal pay and child labor rules. It also requires employers to keep records of the hours the employees have worked. In addition, the Act divides employees into exempt and non-exempt workers. Title 29, Chapter V, Part 541 of the Code of Federal Regulations (1993) defines exempt employees as those who spend 80 percent of their work time performing administrative tasks as their primary responsibility, executive tasks (exercise discretionary decision-making, manage and regulate organization’s work), or professional duties that require outstanding or advanced skills or knowledge (272). State and local governments are not bound by federal minimum wage requirements. Nevertheless, they can require only the same or higher than the federal minimum wages. Though many people do agree with such a state of things, many oppose it. Opponents of comparable worth claim that pay disparities are a result of supply and demand trends, and that the value of labor should be calculated on a scale of socioeconomic value. On the contrary, the advocates of comparable worth believe that labor market rates are not entirely objective. In fact, the federal courts have not recognized comparable worth under the Equal Pay Act or the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Still, various legislative bodies have acted to remedy pay disparities across jobs of similar value to organizations (277 - 278). To sum up, the Director of HRM should know that compensation systems should be designed in such a way that they will attract, motivate, and retain proficient employees. There is a number of factors that defines salaries paid to the employees of public and nonprofit organizations. Market factors influence external equity, while job evaluation or job worth influences internal equity. Since the hiring criteria for public and
Monday, September 23, 2019
Business Planning and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Planning and Development - Essay Example 106). Personal Mission Statement Going by my current attitude towards leadership, my mission is to develop the abilities and skills like patience, positivity, perseverance, communication skills and cultural literacy, which I already possess and which can further be refined and polished that will allow me to set an example before the people and teams I lead so as to steer my business towards the acquisition of success, profitability and sustainability. I already do possess much strength that will help me emerge to be as an astute business leader. I have refined communication skills and an immense ability for listening to others (Glaser 2007, p. 236). I have a vision the pursuance of which I believe will lead to a viable and profitable business success (Koestenbaum 2002, p. 188). I possess a reasonable measure of cultural literacy and hence I am comfortable leading teams comprising of individuals hailing from diverse backgrounds. I am affiliated to a participative or democratic style o f leadership and I believe in seeking inputs from my team members regarding the incumbent business problems and challenges, before I take the final decision (Miner 2002, p. 279). In addition I believe in being a transformational leader who believes in retaining a high level of communication with varied team members, so as to keep them motivated and to achieve high levels of productivity and profitability through maintaining a high visibility and through appropriate and deft communication (Riggio, Murphy & Pirozzolo 2002). Over the next six months I intend to achieve a firm grounding in the theoretical aspects of business and I also intend to attain the salient skills that will help me emerge to be a successful entrepreneur in the times to come. I believe that gaining a firm grounding in the theoretical and skill aspects of business goes a long way in assuring business and entrepreneurial success. In the pursuant 2 to 3 years I intend to work as a management professional in some repu ted and big firm. This will not only refine my business acumen and skills, but will also allow me to have a firsthand experience in the actual running and management of a viable business. After that I intend to use my savings to launch a corporation of my own. I believe that financial independence is the real measure of the amount of freedom that an individual affords (Fletcher 2006). To be a success, it is important to engage in work that one loves to do. However, not all aspects of an individual’s work tend to be interesting. Thereby, gaining financial independence will give to me the freedom to engage in things that I do of my own volition and am not forced to do or that I must do. Over the years I intend to build a personal investment portfolio that will allow me to gain financial independence at the earliest (Kiyosaki 2009). In that context, my annual budget, once I proceed on my course to achieve financial independence will be somewhat like this: Expenses and Liabilitie s Utilities, Mortgage, Real Property Taxes, Insurance, Maintenance GB Pounds 14,000 GB Pounds Assets Income from Business, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds , Income Generating Real Estate, Notes (IOUs), Royalties from Intellectual Property Total Annual Income 75000-14000= 75,000 61,000 (Reinvested) To gain financial independence I intend to configure a diversified investment portfolio rather than putting all my eggs in one basket (Kiyosaki 2009). My primary financial objective for the next decade will be to cut
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Specialist Provision BA Child and Youth Studies Essay
Specialist Provision BA Child and Youth Studies - Essay Example The last in my discussion is the medical and health conditions that may slow down the learning progress of a child or treatment that affects his or her education. I propose that a parent interacts with the child on daily basis so as to identify some of these difficulties. For example, talk often to the nursery school teacher to know the progress of your child. In case of the above signs you should talk to the teacher in charge of special educational needs referred to as SEN or SENCO, and if your child is not in school then you have to inform a doctor on the same (COHEN, 2009). On the other hand, in my opinion it is the responsibility of the school and other organizations in the society to help children overcome barriers and difficulties in their education, quickly and with ease. This is because not all children will need help all through their school life. However due to different progress rates among children, teachers should organize their lessons so as to assist those who have unique difficulties. For example, children showing slower progress when learning different educational concepts should be put as a group so as to offer extra help or even offer different lesson to help the children succeed in their education. Dominant culture in a given society is the established language, religion, behaviour, values, rituals and social customs. These traits make norms of a society. This culture achieves its dominance through the control of social institutions such as communication, educational institution, artistic expression, law, politics and business. In fact, different people in the society view children and young people in need of special educational needs differently depending on their norms and culture (STONE, 1995). All children in the society have the right to be educated and they be given tools to help them develop
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Corporate social responsibility Essay Example for Free
Corporate social responsibility Essay 1) Corporate Ethics The broad area dealing with the way in which a company behaves towards, and conducts business with, its internal and external STAKEHOLDERS, including employees, investors, creditors, customers, and regulators. In certain national systems minimum standards are required or recommended in order to eliminate potential conflicts of interest or client/employee mistreatment. 2) Board of Directors (BOD) An appointed or elected body or committee that has overall responsibility for the management of a nonprofit or nonstock organization, such as a foundation, university or mutual fund. 3) Executive Officer is generally a person responsible for running an organization, although the exact nature of the role varies depending on the organization. 4) Corporate Compliance means having internal policies and procedures designed to prevent and detect violations of applicable law, regulations, rules and ethical standards by employees, agents and others. It involves legal risk management and internal controls. 5) Corporate Governance refers to the set of systems, principles and processes by which a company is governed. They provide the guidelines as to how the company can be directed or controlled such that it can fulfil its goals and objectives in a manner that adds to the value of the company and is also beneficial for all stakeholders in the long term. 6) Corporate Responsibility includes being consistent with ethical principles and conduct such as honesty, integrity and respect for others. By voluntarily accepting responsibility for its actions corporations earn their licence to operate in society. 7) Corporate Social Responsibility is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. 8) Corporate Sustainability is a business approach that creates long-term consumer and employee value by not only creating a green strategy aimed towards the natural environment, but taking into consideration every dimension of how a business operates in the social, cultural, and economic environment. Also formulating strategies to build a company that fosters longevity through transparency and proper employee development.
Friday, September 20, 2019
US Criminal Justice: Ethics and Professional Behaviour
US Criminal Justice: Ethics and Professional Behaviour Ethics and professional behaviour are an important part of criminal justice administration. Ethics involves making moral judgements about what is good or bad, right or wrong. Ethics help us to make right choices when we are in a dilemma which involves moral issues. The Criminal justice administration faces ethical issues very often and it is important to deal with them in a professional manner. The administration suffers with issues in certain situations that are hard to handle and it is the duty or rather we can say the criminal justice administration are obliged to make moral judgements of what is right or wrong and this is done with the help of proper critical thinking. Good ethics contribute to professional behaviour. Law enforcement plays a major role in professional behaviour and ethics. The unethical acts by criminal justice are serious and there are possibilities for conflicts in the areas of criminal justice leading to unethical decisions. It is necessary that ethics and pro fessional behaviour are practiced every time. If the administration is unethical and there is no professional behaviour then it is obvious for the society to lose faith in the criminal justice system. Ethics and professional behaviour are directly related to each other. Lack of ethics lead to lack of professional behaviour which means a weak criminal justice administration. Ethics are moral values or moral judgements which we make in order to decide what is right or wrong, good or bad. For making this type of decision, one needs to have a sound mind and the moral principles do not apply themselves, a thinking mind is required to asses facts and interpret situations. Moral agents make moral judgements and it is our duty to use the ethical principles in a right way. Moral principles mean something only when manifested in behaviour. For this, force should be embodied in action and this action requires an insight. Ethical persons are motivated to do what is morally right but they can only do so if they know what it is. It is important that the ethically motivated persons should learn the art of self-critique, moral examination to become attuned to the pervasive pitfalls of moral judgement: moral intolerance, self-deception, and uncritical uniformity. ( Morality and character can be cul tivated without being indoctrinated by putting in the critical thinking into the heart of ethical curriculum, critical thinking for everyone. Hence, it can be said that without critical thinking ethics and professional behaviour cant be maintained. Thus, critical thinking plays a major role. Our greatest training is ethics and leadership is required in order to boost its growth. It is seen that most departments dont conduct ethics training and the consequences of these unethical behaviour is devastating. One of the more detrimental consequences of unethical behaviour is subjecting of an agency to civil litigation. Litigations have various forms: racial and sexual discrimination, sexual harassment suits etc. Lack of ethical behaviour leads to loss of jobs of the officers and many a times the unemployment compensation is not even offered. It is also noticed that many a times the officers commit suicide as they fail to deal with the unethical acts. Hence, one should try and prevent any kind of unethical act as it will help us to save the lives of our officers. The most extensive ethics training survey conducted by law enforcement was undertaken in 1997. This in return, has produced several recommendations for changes in how one should address the ethics today. Hence, ethics training should highly be encouraged and seminars should be conducted so that our officers deal with unethical behaviour without fearing anything and should join hands to eliminate it. The fundamental duties of Law Enforcement Officers include: serving the mankind, safeguarding lives of the people and property, protecting the weak against oppression, maintaining law and order, and to respect the Constitutional rights of everyone. They are honest in thought and deed and obey the laws of the land and regulations of their department. He should make sure that his personal feelings and friendships dont influence his decisions. He should see that he doesnt makes any kind of compromises for crime and that he will enforce the laws accordingly and appropriately without any favour or malice. The officer should realise that his badge is a symbol of public faith and it is his duty to be true to the ethics of the police service. All these areas should be stressed in the seminar on law enforcement. Ethical training overrules all other training needs. Ethical training emphasizes the importance of thinking before acting. It adds value to the organization and to the community. The study of ethics increases sensitivity to the issues of right or wrong and the right way to conduct oneself. Only through studying ethics is it possible to define and detect unethical behavior. The study of the ethics enables the development of tools that enhances ones decision making. The training in ethics helps to develop analytical skills and reasoning abilities which are required to understand the theoretical as well as practical aspects of criminal justice system. The expected benefits of training the officers are: To recognize the ethical problem, To make a sound choice and right decision, To accept his responsibility. Provides ethical tools to deal with ethical problems. Ethics training should provide tools that assist them to think and act ethically in both their personal and professional lives. Ethics training encourages the professional to be an integrated person and this integrity must be personal as well as professional. Ethics training can be thus viewed as Risk Management because their motto is to prevent injuries to people and thats what ethical training aims at. Thus, it can be said that ethics training program provides tools which helps make a right decision which will contribute to the betterment of the community even. Answer to Question 2 Police agencies have got various functions which include preventing and controlling the conduct and behavior that threatens property or life, maintaining security etc. Sometimes the police agencies even take care of those who are incapable of taking their own care, for example physically challenged or mentally ill people. It is their duty to resolve the conflicts that arise and to identify the problems that give rise to danger. The police agencies differ depending on the three levels local, state and federal levels. Local agencies deal with emergency services, routine patrol, and detention for juveniles, community relations, record keeping, creating agendas etc. The primary purpose of these local agencies is to uphold the laws of the jurisdiction and investigate crimes at local level. State agencies are supposed to maintain public relations, safety and the criminal investigations. Federal agencies are specialized, having separate mandates to enforce certain types of federal laws (there are about 200 federal crimes). ( It deal with matters affecting the entire country i.e. terrorism, organized crime etc. Comparison: Local, State and Federal agencies share the same roles and functions as it is mentioned above. Contrasts: The difference lies only in cases of certain jurisdictions that affect the funding, operation and support. Local levels: The officers here are supported largely by the support staffs, detectives, jailers and protect the citizens and to enforce the laws passed at all levels of the government. They differ from the state and federal level as their activities are confined only to the jurisdictions they have been assigned. State Levels: The officers working under state level enforce local, state and federal laws; many are even found enforcing state traffic, civil or criminal laws. Even the officers in the state prison are taken as a part of law enforcement efforts different from others in that they enforce state laws within state institution. Federal levels: Different types of agents are employed including the special agents, ranging from the FBI (federal bureau of investigation), Bureau of alcohol to the Indian Affairs bureau. Their task is not to enforce state or local laws but to intervene when matters at global level are concerned. The law enforcement field is changing in its organizational strategies, methods and various aspects. Organizational management aims in improving the services, and the trends of development at various levels of the policing organizations. As we all know that the police agencies are bestowed with routine functions at numerous operational levels. These agencies highly contribute to the criminal justice systems and contribute to the other organizations. The trends on which the future policing will operate depend upon the way each of the organization is affected. It is these trends which clarify the operational aspects within the policing organizations. The management employs different levels of people to make decisions based on the success of the organization. The organizational management differs at all the three levels as the local levels are confined to the jurisdictions assigned where as the state levels enforces laws of state, locals as well as federal and the federal levels looks a fter the matters relating to the global level. Answer to Question 3 The safeguards against application of criminal laws are the criminal procedures. These procedures are designed to enforce the constitutional rights of criminal suspects and defendants. The constitutional provisions are mentioned in the IV, V, VI and VIII Amendments to the U.S Constitution. Fourth Amendment: (Exclusionary Rule) The right to be free from unreasonable searches and arrests is covered by the fourth amendment. The people shall be free and it is the right of the people to be secure in their houses against any kind of seizures. The warrants against the person shall only be issued if there is an authentic cause and the warrant shall be supported by an oath or affirmation which includes the details of the place to be searched. Since fourth amendment prohibits unreasonable searches hence, a warrant isnt required often. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Fourth Amendment doesnt require a warrant for all searches; rather it prohibits unreasonable searches. ( ) Fifth Amendment: (Miranda warnings) It deals with concerns which require proper procedures to be followed, like the death penalty, multiple trials for same criminal offence which is also referred to as Double Jeopardy, self incrimination etc. It states that no person shall be held to answer for a capital unless on presentment of a Jury, no person shall be subject for the same offence twice put in jeopardy of life, and that no person shall be deprived of liberty, property without the process of law. Sixth Amendment: (Right to Counsel and Speedy trial) It provides that the accused shall enjoy the Right to public trial by an impartial Jury of State in all criminal prosecutions; he should be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, he should be made to confront with the witnesses against him and to have processes to obtain the witnesses in his favour. The federal courts must comply with all the criminal procedures that are listed in the Constitution. For State Courts, the Supreme Court has adopted an approach called the selective incorporation approach where fundamental rights are protected which include freedom from unreasonable researches, freedom from cruel punishment; assistance of counsel, protection against double jeopardy etc. In juvenile proceedings, juvenile courts must afford to the juveniles basic constitutional protections. It is also been held that the Fourth Amendment requires that a juvenile who is arrested without a warrant should be provided with a probable cause hearing. The exclusionary rule applies to federal adjudications. In juvenile proceedings, the juveniles are entitled to the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination despite the non-criminal nature of the proceedings. The Fifth Amendment applies since a juvenile defendants liberty is at stake. The Sixth Amendment applies to juveniles just as it applies to the adults accused of crime. Discuss the impact that these safeguards (e.g., Right to Counsel, Miranda Warnings, and speedy trial, the exclusionary rule, etc.) have on the day-to- day operation of adult and juvenile courts. It has been seen that under the automobile exception, warrantless searches of an automobile may be permitted if the police officer believes that a certain automobile holds the evidence of a crime. This exception is in no ways a violation of the Fourth Amendment because the vehicles are mobile and the drivers dont really have much privacy. This reduced expectation of privacy permits the officers with probable cause to search a vehicle and inspect the passenger and drivers belongings. However, it is not required by the states to adopt this exception as expanded protections are provided by New Hampshire under the Fourth Amendment. The Exclusionary Rule deals with the protection of the rights to be free from unreasonable searches. It holds that the subject matter that is obtained illegally by the officers must not be used as evidence. To make an arrest, police needs to have an arrest warrant and if the police believes that there is a probable cause and there was no time to create the warrant then he can make a warrantless arrest. In dealing with juveniles, police issue Miranda Warnings to youths prior to custodial investigation. (,articleid-10059.html ) At the time of the arrest it is important that the officer reads out the Miranda warnings to the arrestee, which says that the arrestee might obtain the right to counsel and the right to remain silent. In case these warnings are not read out then the statements he would make after the arrest may be excluded from the trial. Hence, it is visible that these constitutional safeguards affect the adult and juvenile courts and has a huge impact. Answer to Question 4 Impact of globalization on the U.S. criminal justice system Globalization refers to the global outlook of different nations of the globe who unite in terms of economy, society and politics. Globalization talks of all the nations as a whole and thus, it has been successful in reuniting all the nations together as one. Globalization aims at helping nations communicate with each other and therefore, the whole process of globalization is an amalgamation of integration and interaction among people belonging to different nations, cast, and organizations of various nations. Economic integration through investment and trade, political interaction, information technologies and culture constitutes its various magnitudes which directly affect the environment. Globalization has a huge impact on the lives of people and has greatly affected the world. Movement of materials and goods within national boundaries is easily possible, it is easy to procure external financing opportunities, the markets are now interrelated and nations are ready to provide their s upport, any kind of information can now be sent from one part to another with the help of satellites and internet, due to globalization people communicate through social networks and make friends across the globe etc. As technology advances and the power of technologies improve, it is obvious that the opportunity for cyber crimes will also increase. With the advance in technologies, a day will come when it will be real difficult to catch hold of these cyber criminals so it is necessary that a Criminal justice system is formulated which keeps themselves updated with the new technologies. Technological advances have a great influence in crime fighting. Crimes can be prevented by the use of advanced technologies like DNA analysis, radio frequency, surveillance developments etc. Because of globalization the people can even use intelligence databases which are usually carried by the police. Also, bilateral transfer of information between the countries will lead to changes in the countrys criminal justice system. Globalization has improved the technologies and in a way has brought carious nations close together. An anti-terrorism legislation investigates the terrorist cases and the process of screening, investigating has changed. A desire to improve the persisting relations has been expressed and jurisdiction programs and activities have been adopted to improve relations. Hence, it can be said that globalization has had a great impact in improving the U.S criminal justice system. Comparison among Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions The four legal traditions are as follows: Civil Law systems: It is the largest and most prevalent system of justice in the world. It is also referred as Continental justice, Roman law or Germano-romanic justice. Roman law is practiced in places like Germany, France and throughout Latin America. The object of civil law is the redress of wrongs by compelling compensation or restitution. ( Legal scholarships are sophisticated in this kind of system and it has respect for tradition whereas in case of common law anybody can get a scholarship. The leaders of the continental justice are considered above the law whereas in common law nobody is above the law. Common law systems: These traditions exist in the U.S, Australia, England, Canada, India and colonies of Africa. They believe that any law originates in customs. In this system, the lawyers make interpretations and the precedents have control over the judges. Public trial is a very important constituent of this law system. Socialist law systems: This kind of tradition exists in Africa, Asia and parts of Latin America wherever there has been a communist revolution. It is also referred to as Communist Justice or Marxist Leninist justice. It is a positive law which aims at improvement. Administrative law prevails here as the decisions are mostly taken by the non-officials and neither judges nor lawyers are permitted to make law. Islamic systems: Famous as Muslim or Arabic justice. All the procedures and practices in this law are derived from the Koran. These are in the form of commands or orders which rule the life of an individual. It is the only law which believes that each and every law is of divine origin. Like in Roman or Common law, it might happen that an unlawful/unethical behavior is tolerated but in case of Islamic law never. Since, only a few verses of the Koran are used in Islamic law hence, it is mandatory that the religion plays an important role. Impact of cyber crime and technology on worldwide justice systems Cybercrime or criminal crime is a criminal activity where a computer is a source, target and place of the crime. It comprises of embezzlement, forgery, theft, fraud or blackmail and all this involves the presence of computers. Cybercrime ranges from email spams to threats of cyber wars, few of its forms are examples of simple theft such as stealing credit cards, bank account passwords etc. As the technology advances and the power of technologies improve, the opportunity for cyber related crimes will also gain momentum. So, it is important that the criminal justice systems keeps up with the advancing technologies or else it would get difficult to get hold of these cyber criminals. Cyber crime has huge impact on the victims and the criminal justice system despite the presence of network security programs and organizations who work to counteract these crime related threats, cybercrime continue to increase. It shouldnt mean that because cybercrime occurs therefore, we will stop using int ernet to work or play. Majority of sites on the internet are legitimate and our lives are highly enhanced because of the cyber tools. Users susceptibility to cybercrime can be reduced by the conduct of training programs by the employers as a part of security plan. Measures have been taken by the organizations to reduce the spread of cybercrimes. Globalization has greatly influenced the lives of the people by bringing in new methods and technologies and it has its own negative impact too. Advancement in the technologies has also contributed to the increased number of cybercrimes. The policing systems on a worldwide scale Statistics say that more than 800,000 people are employed by 17,500 police agencies at national, state, county and municipal levels. These agencies comprise of 50 federal law enforcement agencies, 49 state police departments, special police agencies 1,721 in number, 3,086 sheriffs departments and 12,502 municipal police departments. (,articleId-9950.html) Federal police agencies: these are a part of the executive branch of national government. Major federal law enforcements agencies are : Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): Their duty is to protect the nation from crimes such as organized crime, terrorism, civil-right crimes, and violent crimes. It is also their duty to assist other agencies (local, state and federal) through its crime statistics, training academy etc. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF): the job of this agency is to find out the use of explosives and firearms by the criminals. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA): Al the federal drug-control laws are enforced by DEA. The agents arrest drug traffickers. The Secret services: This service aims at protecting the President and other officials of federal government. The officers of federal law enforcement are being stationed overseas in order to combat the crimes such as terrorism, money laundering etc. State Police The tasks of the State Police agencies involves To assist the local law enforcement organizations in cases of criminal investigations. To maintain crime records for the State. To train municipal and county police; and To patrol the state highways. The Directors of the State police are appointed by the Governor. The California Highway patrol is the nations largest State Police Force. County Police The responsibility of policing the rural and unincorporated areas in the United States is of the Sheriffs. These sheriffs perform various kinds of duties which consists law enforcement and other court duties. They also serve as officers of county courts. Bailiffs are provided by the sheriffs office to provide security and to manage the defendants on trial. The sheriffs even transport prisoners from one court to another as required. Municipal police The responsibility of dealing with the violent crimes rest on the shoulders of city police and these are the ones who swear to protect the nation from the crimes. Big city police departments are headed over by the Chiefs who are appointed by the mayors. Major crimes and criminal issues that have a global impact on justice systems and processes The fall of the Soviet Empire lead to the downfall of various national armies all over the world. For example, in Somalia and Yugoslavia, the end of cold war meant a rapid escalation of instability and conflict as the former allies lost interests in keeping the governments in power. ( The experiences of the U.S with security companies in Afghanistan and Iraq lead to serious problems like misconduct of the operations and dishonest business practices. A revolution in peace keeping was brought about by the Cold War; and this peacekeeping tried to keep neutrality. As mentioned above, post Cold-War the need for a new and improved peacekeeping was felt and there was increased instability. The rise and rapid fall of new world order in peacekeeping was seen in the 1990s and Bosnia, Rwanda and Somalia became the nadir in the three acts of peacekeeping. It was realized that some changes need to be made and thus Brahmi Report was brought in the 2000s. The recommendations brought improvements in the U.N. Department of Peacemaking Operations. It is noticed that inspite of the implementations in the peacekeeping order, the pace is still slow and inefficient. The three failures of the 1990s i.e. Bosnia, Somalia and Rwanda it was decided that a new improved peacekeeping order is required which was mentioned in the Brahmi Report of 2000 which resulted in an improved peacekeeping. It was also seen that few militaries targeted their own citizens and were involved in wars with their neighbors. For instance, Rwandas interfering in the Democratic Public of Congo) Todays century peacemaking techniques help the peacemakers to reduce the harm to the peace making order. It took three years for the Democratic Republic of China to gain strong troop strength and the attacks continued for about six years. In the same way missions in Darfur and the DRC suffered from low troop numbers. In the U.S, the Secretary of Defense hired a company to consult with the armed forces to unveil cost-saving measures. This showed that PMSCs had a great role to play. The deaths of 30 U.S military servicemen and the videos of their naked corpses led to the Somalia Syndrome. The infamous case of Rwanda in 1994 threw light on the consequences of lack of action by the international community. PMSCs have been active in Somalia since the beginning of the decade. The serious issues include illegal fishing, piracy, and the dumping of toxic wastes. Each of the three Somali governments has engaged separate PMSCs to secure the maritime trade and counteract such activities. The criminal jurisdiction and responsibilities should be resided with the U.N. as no other State have ensured that crimes should be looked into and answered other than the PMSCs. The UN has taken up the responsibility for the forces which are put under its commands on various occasions.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Comparing Little House on the Prairie and Sarah Plain and Tall :: Compare Contrast Comparison
Comparing Little House on the Prairie, written by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Sarah Plain and Tall, Written by Patricia MacLachlan Little House on the Prairie, written by Laura Ingalls Wilder, bears some resemblance to Sarah Plain and Tall, written by Patricia MacLachlan. Within both of the texts one can find two families that are adjusting to life out on the Prairie. Even though the books are written some fifty years apart they still portray the aspects of living on the prairies in the Midwest. In both books the parents seem equally important to the plot, while the point of view enhances the importance of the children within the books. In Little House on the Prairie the family is already formed, but the homestead is not. The opposite situation occurs in Sarah, Plain and Tall, where the homestead is in place but the family is not quite complete until Sarah travels from Maine to live with Jacob, Anna and Caleb. In both books, all of the characters are very similar. Charles and Jacob, the fathers in the books, are seen as very strong willed, loving and appear to be capable providers. The fathers in both of these books are in control of their families and do whatever is necessary to provide. On many occasions Charles travels to Independence to get food for his family and he also hunts and traps animals to sell their fur. Although Jacob's acts of providing for his family are more stationary, he works hard on their farm to provide for them. The men may be hard workers and do the main part of the manual labor, but the women also do their share to contribute to the success of the family. In Sarah, Plain and Tall the roof needs repaired and a storm is on the way. Jacob tells Sarah that he needs to fix the roof and she replies, "We will fix the roof." (46). Sarah and Caroline are both willing to do their share of work on the prairie. Caroline helps Charles build their house on the prairie. "Pa lifted one end of a log onto the wall, then Ma held it while he lifted the other end"(58). Sarah also insists that Jacob should teach her how to drive the wagon because she wants to go into town to get supplies.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Citizens of Brave New World Essay -- Literary Analysis
In 1932, Aldous Huxley wrote a book entitled Brave New World. It was an image of a dystopian future where pleasure and science were carefully combined to control the average citizen. The book was received with a variety of opinions ranging from impressed to scandalized. Seventeen years later, George Orwell published Nineteen Eighty-Four, a novel that was yet another detailed picture of what a dystopian future might look like. While similar in its depiction of what can happen when ordinary people no longer have any power, Orwell’s book took a very different look as to how that power would be taken away. In 1984, the government uses peoples’ fear and lack of knowledge to make them submissive. When the novel was published in 1949, it too was met with a mix of both praise and criticism. Both of these narratives present the ideas of lack of individual freedom, the loss of history and truth, and the degradation of inter-personal relationships. The books both include these the mes, but they present them in exceptionally dissimilar ways. At the advent of their publication, both novels, depending on the readers’ opinion, were considered accurate pictures of what the future of society could be. However, with the passing of time, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World has become the most accurate representation of our societies’ departure from the family unit, personal freedom, and informational veracity. The idea that Brave New World has proven true to prediction is apparent in the rapid change taking place in our society today. Before that change can be examined, however, the differences between the two novels must be discussed. One important factor of difference are the time periods in which the two books were written. George Orwell wrote 1984 ... ...o. Inc, 2.Feb.2011. Web. 9.Apr.2012. . â€Å"Brave New World -Themes, Motifs, and Symbols.†Spark Notes, n.d. Web. 9.Apr.2012. . Herr, Norman. â€Å"Television & Health.†The Sourcebook for Teaching Science. California Stat University, n.d. Web. 9.Apr.2012. . â€Å"When Did the Great Depression Start and End?†, n.d. Web. 9.Apr.2012. . Wilde, Robert. â€Å"When did World War 2 end?† The New York Times Company, n.d. Web. 9.Apr.2012. . Aldous, Huxley. Brave New World. New York: Harper & Row, 1932. Print. Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Comparative Advantage of Sexual Divisions of Labor Essay -- Econom
Historical Perspectives on the Comparative Advantage of Sexual Divisions of Labor In modern microeconomic models of the household, one commonly sees a division of labor between the husband and wife predicated on a comparative advantage in the market or the household respectively. The idea is that women are somehow less fit for work in the marketplace while they are innately superior at the domestic tasks of cooking, cleaning, and childrearing. There are two prevailing perspectives on the mechanics of this comparative advantage. The first argues that women are somehow biologically fitted to domestic tasks. This was true for Adam Smith who saw the social structures of society arising out of a biological necessity. Malthus, on the other hand, saw the same biological necessity as operating in opposition to the social structures that arose to keep the pressures of population in check. The second perspective argues that a comparative advantage is a socially constructed idea and not rooted in the biological history of the race. Martineau in her story â€Å"Cousi n Marshall†delineated the life of what she saw as a virtuous and noble woman. Virginia Woolf, however, decried what she saw as the deplorable poverty of women in A Room of One’s Own. Her solution, however, only served to further separate the spheres of men and women. Finally, Charlotte Perkins Gilman similarly objected to the state of women in Women and Economics and ultimately proposed a society that abolished any division of labor along sexual lines. None of these authors seem to contest the presence of a comparative advantage in the division of labor as their societies stand. However this does not imply that all the authors agreed on the exact features of this... there were no gendered distinctions in defense of women. One could argue that our modern society is a point along the way to attaining Gilman’s utopian solution. More likely, however, we have made little progress and Gilman’s solutions still feel innovative and strange. References Gilman, C (1998). Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. Berkeley: University of California Press. Malthus, Thomas R (1798). Essay on the Principle of Population [Electronic Version]. Retrieved September 19, 2003, from public/MalPopu.html Martineau, H (1832). Illustrations of Political Economy No. VIII. London: Charles Fox. Smith, A (1766). Lectures on Jurisprudence. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Woolf, V (1929). A Room of One’s Own. London: Harcourt.
Compaison of two poems †‘Night Over Birkenau’ and ‘Earrings’ Essay
This essay will be analysing and contrasting two poems relating to the Auschwitz concentration camp during WWII and how it diversely affected Jews. The first poem is ‘Night over Birkenau,’ a first hand experience poem written by Tadeusz Borowski to display the daily lives of Jewish prisoners in concentration camps and ‘Earrings,’ a second generation poem by Annette Bialik Harchik, written to inform readers how Jewish women were imprisoned whilst exploring aspects such as the racial discrimination by Nazi Germans in the Auschwitz concentration camp. By exploring these aspects it seems that the poems are written to give a voice to the deceased Jews who have died without having the chance to inform the world about the inhumane crimes inflict upon them deceitfully. From the start of ‘Night over Birkenau’ readers are given a clear insight to the poem’s setting, hence the title ‘Night over Birkenau.’ This gives readers the sense of insecurity as a setting in the night is likely to be more vile. This is then reinforced in, â€Å"Again the grim sky closes.†‘Grim’ gives readers a sense of horror; and ‘sky closes’ evidently proves that the prisoners are captivated in this horror, it is inescapable. ‘Again’ reinforces that it is cyclic, constant and never ending within their hearts. The Jews’ feeling of horror is initially derived from the horrifying methods used by the Nazi Germans to exterminate them. These were methods such as the crematorium, â€Å"and the eyes of the crematorium blaze.†The word ‘blaze’ allows readers to interpret the intensity and aggressiveness of the flame but it is the use of personification in ‘eyes’ which emphasises the intensity of the heat as the eyes symbolise the shape of an igniting red and blue flame. The personification allows readers to interpret how slow the Nazi Germans have made the length of the termination process, as the eyes represent a quality of live humans. They were burnt alive which emphasises the agony that Jews had to go through. Just to die in the end. All this gives us a like comparison of hell. In my opinion, the Germans in the poem possess a character equivalent God’s, shown by their possessiveness over a wide nation, and, how they wiped them easily because of their ignorant, unjustified hate. There is further reference to the ‘eyes’ later in the poem which can effectively be linked to stanza four where Borowski refers to the eyes and the poison on the same line, â€Å"my eyes are poisoned from sleep.†This reinforces the idea that the prisoners were tortured in the methods of death used as poison takes a long time to distil in the body, slowly working its way through the body resulting in the victim left in agony. Alternatively, the reference to the ‘eyes’ made in the above quotes can mean that the Germans’ crimes were being watched and would not go without being known to the world (hence how we now know). The use of ‘eyes’ shows that they are being watched more widely than simply saying ‘eye’. Imagery of nature’s deceitful and unwilling characteristic is similarly portrayed in ‘Earrings.’ At the end of the poem, we are similarly shown how nature trying to contribute to the Germans’ crimes. This is shown on the ending stanza of the poem. Harchik does this by describing the holes dug in which the camp prisoners’ corpses to be buried in, â€Å"The empty holes,†and, on the next line they are described as ‘grown shut.’ This is a very effective way to use language, it emphasises nature’s attempt to stop the finding of the Jews’ corpses after the massacre. This is shown by the use of oxymoron to emphasise how the holes that the Germans have dug to mass bury the prisoners’ corpses is veiled by grass growing over the burial sites eventually levelling off with the rest of the earth. The idea of nature’s conceal of the Germans’ crimes is similarly portrayed in ‘Night over Birkenau.’ â€Å"Fog descends over Birkenau.†‘Descends’ allows readers to see the slow approach of the ‘fog’ covering all signs of reality. The use of ‘fog’ allows readers to interpret the spreading of loss and confusion on its progression. The fog concealing Birkenau can symbolise the ignorance of the outside world. They were blinded by mere fog which the Germans used as a temporary veil to their crimes. The world’s ignorance is shown by the way the outside world did not have a basic outlook of what was actually happening inside this typical, yet deceitful looking camp. Day be day, the tension of: hunger;sickness and fear accumulated within the prisoners. Even their feet were not put to rest. But, instead, they had to wear wooden shoes. A source of pain and can sometimes prove fatal. And with all this people in the Auschwitz camp were losing sanity. They were afraid of dying. Not just dying; but not being found again. Borowski cleverly presents the loss of sanity to readers by the theme of astronomy, â€Å"blue Orion- lost among the stars.†For one, a setting in outer space is very effective as it reinforces the same theme as the night, as space, likewise, is pitch black. The real reason to why Borowski used this quote is because the Orion is visible to everyone, all around the world. Yet, historically, because of the business (and lack of care) the world gave no attention to the crimes which were happening. Physical loss is shown in ‘Earrings’ in stanza four. On the first line, Harchik shows readers how atrocious her mother’s physical condition is once she left her ‘earrings’ from the last stanza, â€Å"Under her wavy white hair.†The use of ‘white’ emphasises the dramatic change in physical attributes that happen within a character – this emphasises how much the camp prisoners must have been worked out. The use of the alliteration, ‘Wavy white,’ gives a double impact and meaning to the ageing idea, as similarly ‘wavy’ hair is often degraded in quality and is the last stage of hair ‘development’ within a person thus it is a characteristic of an ageing person. Fear is heavily referred to in ‘Night over Birkenau.’ It was the initial reason to why people in concentration camps lost sanity. This fear of death and humiliation had a huge psychological impact on the prisoners. Which, with the deprivation of food and water, depression and over working – it could only get worse. The first stanza describes the potential threat which the camp prisoners are facing, and this is done in very simple and deeply understood language, â€Å"Like a crouching beast over the camp.†The word ‘beast’ is used to portray a grim character which will do anything possible to harness its goal. This fear is further reinforced because a ‘beast’ also possesses a savage, daunting appearance. But fear is shown when Borowski uses the word ‘crouching,’ to show that prisoners lived under threat as the Nazi Germans have the potential to take you. Just like the beast. The use of enjambment helps to reinforce the beast’s potential tokill by the use of death imagery, â€Å"The moon sets pale as a corpse.†The colour of the moon is comparable to ‘corpse.’ The aftermath of death. Alternatively this can show fear by the way that prisoners could not look up to the sky for hope but misery. At the beginning of stanza two, Borowski shows readers the lack of defence prisoners had and their vulnerability to the Nazi Germans in, â€Å"And like a shield abandoned in battle.†The use of ‘shield;’ ‘abandoned’ and ‘abandoned’ in his simile allows readers to see the situation the Jews were in. They could not retaliate, as, without a shield, they could not defend themselves enough to make it a fair battle. They were betrayed; and their only chance of survival was by following their enemies’ instructions until their fates are decided. This quote can link with, â€Å"Lead foot crushing my chest.†‘Lead’ is a metallic element, and without the ‘shield’ mentioned earlier, prisoners were not able to defend themselves against the metallic ‘crush’ attack style inflicted by the Nazis’ boots, making them resign for the humiliation. We can see this by the way the poet chooses to describe all images of fear and death figuratively to personify how they were mislead to the ‘gate of hell’, â€Å"The transports growl in darkness.†Borowski chooses to use ‘transports’ instead of simply saying ‘transport,’ to emphasise the abnormal amount of train activity in the camp. The fear is further reinforced by the use of onomatopoeia, ‘growl’ which can be linked to animal imagery of the beast in stanza one. The purposeful play of plurals is used similarly in stanza 4 to convey a different meaning, â€Å"Like God’s judgement on the corpse of the earth.†This only refers to one thing ‘corpse,’ instead of saying ‘corpses’ – this is done to show that the Jews’ unity. They all went through the same experience and they all die in the same place, they were all equal in such a tragedy. Fear is presented in a differently in ‘Earrings.’ Harchik identifies her family’s name on the first line; instead of keeping anonymous as Borowski does in his poem. This shows us that the intention of the poet was to speak out to give a voice to the Jewish women almost 45 years after the mass termination of the Jews in her poem published in 1989 with other similar poems speaking about Jewish women in the Auschwitz camp. The way in which the Jewish generation suddenly arises from its dormant state in decades shows how survivors were afflicted with fear from the experience they had to go through. ‘Earrings’ shows speaks out by, first of all, giving her family’s name, with the basis of the poem coming first hand from her mother’s perspective but is also based around other Jewish women, the general picture. In comparison to ‘Night over Brikenau,’ ‘Earrings’ surround itself around a more factual and authoritative theme thus it is less emotional. Readers are shown the poem’s factual content by Harchik’s straightforward language, which is effective and to the point, â€Å"stripped, shorn and tattooed.†Straightforward and to the point. Loss is presented in both poems. But, in ‘Earrings’ Harchik shows the readers the loss by deprivation of vital things to Jewish girls, such as culture. â€Å"Ears pierced in infancy; adorned in string golden hoops for girlhood; diamond studs for marriage.†Harchik shows the loss of identity and culture by the way that people, without her earrings, would not be able to differentiate whether she is married or not – they lost their identity. And the importance is shown by the clever use of semi-colons to emphasise how each step and every step was equal in importance and must be conducted in a woman’s lifetime and the deaths of Jewish children shows the deprivation that is caused by the Germans. Harchik explores the aspect of death in the concentration camp. This is shown in stanza three to show the death toll of the prisoner’s using the earrings as a symbol of their identity: â€Å"leaving behind herâ€â€earrings in a huge glittering pile of jewelry.†The word ‘huge’ emphasises the sheer amount of women imprisoned as they have all left their belongings in the pile. Harchik uses the word ‘leave’ to show the that her mother left her possessions with her intention – which reinforces the deceitfulness of the Nazi Germans as they lied and told the Jews that they were only going in for a ‘shower,’ when, in fact they were to be inhaled with toxic gas. ‘Glittering’ shows that the jewellery was new and polished – in other words, it was to give an impression. This can be referred historically to the way Jews were deceived into a wrong destination, the total opposite of what they have been told. A destination in which there minds would never dwell on. Alternatively, ‘glittering’ can suggest the speed at which everything is happening, which is very fast. Whilst the pile of jewellery is ‘huge,’ it is still ‘glittering’ to emphasise the activity of women leaving their possessions and never coming back out. Both poems portray the same sense of unity between the Jews making them ‘one’. This is shown in a simpler and more effective form in ‘Earrings’ because the link of unity between the Jewish women was also a link of culture as all the women carried at least earrings. Harchik shows us this by using the world ‘pile’ in, â€Å"in a huge glittering pile of jewelry.†‘Pile’ suggests the disorganization in the camp – which reinforces the idea how everything in the camp was going at extreme speed. But, it is this ‘pile’ which suggests the equality that all the Jews had – every person’s possessions was mixed in a huge pile with other cheaper or more expensive items. There is a huge range of who’s this jewlerry may belong to whether it was a poor or a rich person. All that really mattered was that these people were Jewish. In ‘Night over Birkenau,’ Borowski displays the aspect of humiliation in a discreet way to emphasises his feelings. A clear example of this humiliation is shown in stanza three. Humiliation is shown here when the Nazi Germans stamped their shoes on the prisoners to show how their dominance over them as they are the ‘Arian race’ and how Jews were inferior in comparison to them. â€Å"This lead foot crushing my chest.†The use of words like ‘crushing’ is effective, it does not simply say ‘stamping’ but goes into a higher level of complexity to relate it to make it deadlier to emphasise that the Germans were never lenient with the camp prisoners. This can subtlety linked with the previous line of the Stanza ‘Breath rattles’, which is a sound of suffocation as the Germans crushed the prisoner’s chest. From this, we can deduce how Jews were racially ridiculed as soon as they entered the camp. They were not only humiliated but seized in a deadly way which is reinforced in the enjambment, â€Å"is the silence of three million dead.†This is what almost all Jews had to go through; regardless of who they were in the other world: the world were they had their own names. Prisoners humiliation is portrayed in ‘Earrings.’ Harchik guides readers through it in a chronological format where commas identify the pause between every step, â€Å"my mother was stripped,shorn,tattooed.†Harchik uses a continuous 3 line enjambment to show the speed at which everything is happening. Once prisoners are off the train they must do what the Nazi Germans tell them without a pause. The personal reference to her mother will make readers more sympathetic towards the situation since a mother is a character of significance. Prisoners were treated barbarically like a herd of sheep. We can see this by the way they had to follow all orders given to them, just like the sheep would do to the farmer without a halt. What is even more humiliating, is the way that the womens’ heads were shaven off completely, ‘shorn.’ This is done to remove any environmental variation between them. They could not be themselves – they were almost clones of each other serving the Germans. They were not easily differentiable and in some cases it was non-deferential between a man and a woman. And this mark of identity is shown by the way they were ‘tattooed’ – almost a sign from the Germans of their permanency in the camp. This shows the how some prisoners were even humiliated by their simple, indirect thoughts. There is also an effective use of alliteration in both ‘Night over Birkenau’ and ‘Earrings.’ Both of the poems use alliteration to convey both both the onomatopoeic meaning and a hidden historical inference. In ‘Night over Birkenau,’ alliteration is used to show death â€Å"It’s steamy stifling.†This refers to the sound of a snake ‘Ss’, which is an example of animal imagery with the intention to bring death. The use of ‘steam’ emphasises the intensity of temperature whilst ‘stifling’ reinforces the idea of the Germans’ control. Despite the ‘living’ conditions they are in – they are forced to live through it. The punchy full-stop is used to show an end to the life of prisoners who chose to give up than live under control. Alliteration is similarly used in ‘Earrings’ to show the camp’s treatment towards prisoners â€Å"My mother was stripped,shorn.†The alliterate use of ‘Ss’ is used here again, ‘striped,shorn.’ The main use of alliteration here is because of its historical reference. ‘SS’ stood for ‘Schutzstaffel’, a major Nazi military organisation run by Adolph Hitler during World War 2 – this organization was primarily responsible for the crimes for the crimes against humanity, thus was the major inflict of pain and suffering to the Jews. Onomatopoeia is used in ‘shorn’ and when read gives a ‘Shhh’, a sound of sheering – which reinforces that the women prisoners’ heads were shaved off. Reference to religion in poetry helped prisoners to keep sane during very demanding times. With the prisoners’ loss of identity, culture and even their name there would only be one thing in which they can truly embrace in their hearts without the feeling of a threat, which is religion. In ‘Night over Birkenau’ religious issues are raised and introduced in the first stanza to set an instant scene of terror, â€Å"Grim sky closes circling like a vulture over the dead silence.†The idea of the sky ‘circling’ in vulture like motions, in Jewish scriptures is a sign to determine the Day of Judgement. They felt that this was the end of the Jewish spurt. And indeed; it was the ‘Day of Judgement’ for them – this was the Nazi Germans’ intention. To wipe out all Jews from existence. Alternatively, the quote can be used to show the death by animal imagery. The Nazi Germans are seen as the ‘vulture’, circling around its prey, the Jews. This simile further emphasises the vulnerability of the prisoners. Borowski chooses a vulture to show how strongly patrolled the prisoners were. Whilst they may think that they are safe – they are still watched cautiously by the Nazi Germans. On stanza three, readers are evidently shown the death. Not figuratively but statistically. â€Å"Is the silence of three million dead.†Furthermore, these quotes can link us as to how Borowski consciously gives evidence to the silence in the camp emphasising the Jews fearfulness speak. Silence is shown when Borowski coherently uses death imagery and death implies silence – this is evident by the poet in the fourth stanza, â€Å"like a vulture over the dead silence;†and this is reinforced by â€Å"Is the silence of three million dead.†In comparison with ‘Earrings,’ there is no involvement of religion.’Earrings’ concentrates on culture and identity. ‘Night over Birkenau’ is structured chronologically. The first stanza gives readers an insight to the poem’s setting including the thematic information to give the reader an idea as to what the poem is about. The first two lines of the second stanza progress to tell the reader about the emotions that the people felt; including their loss which is an effective follow-up from stanza one’s description of the night, the last two lines of stanza two show us the feelings of the people on the way to enter the camp, ‘The transports growl in darkness.’ Stanza three concentrates on the suffering and humiliation that the camp prisoners went through. The image of death is effectively shown throughout this stanza and there is an effective use of punctuation to reinforce death and tension, ‘It’s steamy, stifling. Sleep is a stone.’ Contracted form is used to reinforce the idea of ‘stifling’ as it can be used to show the suffocation and lack of space the prisoners had. The full-stop at the end of ‘steamy, stifling.’ can be used to show an end of life to some prisoners. The obvious idea of death is shown at the end, ‘is the silence of three million dead.’ Stanza four is cyclic to stanza one and gives the repetition of night, ‘Night, night without end. No dawn comes.’ The repetition of the night shows us the routine of the prisoners’ daily life in the camp but an alternative interpretation would be that the prisoners did not have hope, and hence ‘No dawn comes.’ Dawn is the opposite of night, thus it must mean hope and the dawn not coming reinforced the idea that hope did not come. Also, notice how there is a consistency in the number of lines in each stanza – this can also show how there was the same daily routine in the camp, Borowski makes everything in the poem repetitious just to show the number of times these crimes have happened without the world knowing – the prisoners did not have a voice. We can see Borowski’s cyclic approach from the beginning of the poem, â€Å"Night again. Again the grim sky closes.†The use of repetition, ‘again,’ reinforces the idea of routine and the tediousness of camp life. This is also effective when the poem is actually being read as ‘again’ is repeated twice. This is similarly portrayed in the ‘Earrings.’ Both poems follow the same gradual chronology – birth to death. This is slightly different in ‘Earrings.’ Harchik does not set a scene but ironically shows us the earrings as being a part of the prisoners’ life, it was a sign of hope for them. Harchik instead uses ‘tabbing’ structure to separate the ‘earrings’ away from the poem to similarly show the lack of hope but it is now shown ironically in comparison to ‘Night over Birkenau’ as the object of hope is now away rather than the object of misery being within the text. This can be interpreted to show how far away it was for the prisoners to be heard by the rest of the world and the lack of voice they received. ‘Earrings’ is a personal second generation poem and therefore the language nor the structure did not touch on sensitive issues that the Jewish generation in general felt, but bases it on what Annette Harchik’s mother. The ‘tabbing’ structure is heavily relied on by the poet to describe what it was before and after the entrance in the camp. The first stanza talks about her own family’s perspective and we notice how it consists of 3 lines to show that it has a lower priority in comparison with stanza 2 which gives background information relating to all the women in the camp and thus given four lines. The third stanza is the biggest with the factual content of what has happened to her mother, ‘my mother was stripped.’ Although Harchik bases this on the mother, she does go forward to give the idea on the wider perspective of what has happened to the people on the last line of stanza three, ‘in a huge glittering pile of jewelry.’ The enjambment used from the last line follow on from ‘earrings’, the symbol of the people – this is effective use of the enjambment because it links very well to the ‘huge glittering pile,’ which again evidently shows that a wide number of people were involved. Punctuation in ‘Earrings’ is less intense than ‘Night over Birkenau’. Harchik uses punctuation to separate different thing in the camp in a ‘step to step’ format, â€Å"mother was stripped, shorn, and tattooed.†Notice how there is a comma between every step that her mother has to go through, this is effective to the reader as they have to ‘pause’ between every step. This can also be interpreted to show the sheer humiliation that the camp prisoners had to go through – the pause emphasises that the prisoners had to stand there waiting for the next step to be conducted right in-front of crowds upon crowds of other, humiliated people. Lack of hope is similar between both ‘Earrings’ and ‘Night over Birkenau,’ both poems repeat the ‘symbol’ which is bringing misery or ironically in ‘Earrings,’ hope. In ‘Earrings,’ we witness the presence of the word ‘earrings’ in the first stanza to start the poem and the third stanza where the conflict is being described, once again the ‘tabbing’ structure between the text and ‘earrings’ emphasises that there is a lack of hope; which is similarly show in ‘Night over Birkenau’ but with the text to show the lingering presence of evil.. From studying these poems. I can evidently see that Borowski is a poet who has went through a lot of pain and agony before having the courage to show the world exactly what happened to Jewish prisoners during WW2. This is shown in his poem by the coherent references to methods of deaths, torture and disturbing images. We can learn from the poem, and his character is that living through demanding times – like a concentration camps can totally change one’s state of mind – and this is why Borowski has a coherent reference to death imagery – to feel like he’s not the only one. But even with all this, it was amazingly hard to escape the camp, but even harder to escape the mental scars which the camp’s life has subsided within him; resulting in an arousal of his suicidal feelings, and hence this mental disturbance caused him to commit suicide at the mere age of 28 despite being freed from the camp. Both poems allow us to relate to the massacres that have occurred during World War II to the Jews, as both flow progressively in a structured order. ‘Earrings’ has successfully explored the identity, culture and humiliation aspect in stanza three, whilst on the other hand, ‘Night over Birkenau’ heavily related to the fear and the death. In my opinion, the poet is trying to show readers that nothing exceeds humiliation, loss of culture and identity. And hence why Harchik after many years after the Holocaust she merely goes into the aspect of death but instead comments on the humiliation, loss of identity and culture. Her determination to inform the world is evident in her poetry. Her determination to tell the world about the Germans’ crimes gained her credaince to publish ‘Earrings’ in â€Å"Blood to remember†a 21st century version of the original ‘Earrings’ with a wider use of structure to further convey the loss of people. Personally, I preferred studying ‘Night over Birkenau’ as Borowski conveys his meaning to readers in a very vivid way. It is very inspiring and makes me think about how horrible it must have been to be in such a demanding situation. ‘Night over Birkenau’ allowed me to see how the world can be very deceitful to obtain and help who it wants and the constant repetition to the silence allowed me to think about how can the outside world not pay any attention to anyone. Not even a threatened nation fore coming the plague of World War 2’s plagued war-zone.
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